chapter twenty six

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After the stunt Munir pulled on friday I haven't caught a glimpse of him. Or his shadow. Which was really good for my senses.I could barely think when he was around.
All I saw was Munir, all I felt was Munir, all I could smell was that stupid axe mixed with a splash of musk that screamed 'man' at me.

Excitement has been bubbling in the air since morning.
Today is sunday, which is also visiting day. Which is also the best day of every boarders life. Well if you don't count chicken day, Or public holidays or a teacher falling ill.

Let me just stop the list there, I'm sure you get the point.

Rolake and I have been together since church service ended. We pressed our house wears and took our baths. Dressing up to look our best.

Grandma was the one coming to see us.

I didn't even question it when she said my parents wouldn't be able to make it. They never had time for me back In Canada and I don't expect that to change. Even after the incident.

I guess that's why I have adapted so well with my family here in Nigeria. They give me all the attention I need. Which is more than I could say about my mum and dad.
Call me ungrateful but I wouldn't give this up for anything. No matter what am missing back there.

I grunted in annoyance as I tugged on my black tights, but they just came half way up my ass. Stupid fat ass.

"What's the matter". Rolake asked as she noticed me struggling.

I huffed "my tights aren't sizing me anymore".

"That's because your ass is getting bigger" another voice quipped as if it was obvious.
It was Medina.

"Well best friend you sure know how to make a girl feel better".
I honestly can't be out of shape, I don't need anyone calling me a fat ass. I've seen people get bullied back at my old school for it. Though I've not witnessed anyone get body shamed in this school yet. But who is to say they won't start with me.
"I need to start taking some laps." Rolake rolled her eyes at this, moving to my locker in search of something.

"Madam do you know how many girls would kill to have that ass." She whistles making me shake my head vigorously.

" I don't want to be body shamed. "

Medina started cackling like she was high on weed. Completely dismissing my Blatant annoyance.

"Sister mi ,this is not America ohh,the boys here like their girls thick not skinny to the bones. If at your old school people were body shamed for having an ass like yours then I promise you that is not going to happen here." I still didn't believe her. But I decided to let the information digest.

"God knows how Munir will react if he sees you wearing something tight. " She grinned knowing fully well I would be mad.

" No one is seeing my ass, not even Munir." I snapped. She just laughed at me like the mad woman she is raising her eyebrows in a suggestive way.

Whatever, I mean who cares what I look like. I don't think he would. Not that I care what he thinks of course.

"Here, I think this one will be okay." Rolake threw me a pair if grey tights. I thanked her and quickly yanked them on and slipped on my shoes.Thank God they fit.

We all piled out of the hostel towards our classes. According to Rolake grandma always came by 3pm so there was no need to go to the visiting grounds.
We walked in complete silence untill Rolake decided to remind me why I should seriously need to buy a needle to sew my best friends lips shut.
"What's all this talk about Munir Morenike". I stiffened in shock.
I wasn't expecting that question at all. I turned to Medina who was smiling like the devil's spawn that she is as she took tentative steps backwards.
She was going to bail on me.

How nice of her.....

"Well ladies am going to the grounds. Mumc is probably waiting for me already so catch you guys later". She waved dramatically and jogged away.

I groaned in annoyance and turned towards my cousin whose expression looked expectant.
I noticed her personality was almost similar to Grandma's which was totally scary if you asked me.

" There's nothing , it's just Medina and her meaningless teasing." I almost thought she bought it untill she shook her head at me in warning.

" That boy is no good." She said, face twisting to a frown. Why do they keep on saying that?

They hardly know anything about the guy.

"I beg to differ cousin, don't judge a book without reading it's contents".
She frowned at this. Emotions swirling in her dark eyes. Annoyance, confusion,worry and then resignation.

" I get you sis, but I just don't want you getting hurt. I have no idea why you came to Nigeria but am very sure it's not because your parents were to busy to take care of you. Please just promise  me you will becareful okay."
My heart twisted in my chest at the mention of my past and the reason I came here. I knew my cousin was smart but I didn't think she would be so observant. I guess I was wrong to think no one would notice the insecure broken girl underneath all the sugar coating and smiles.
I nodded my head and smiled trying really hard not to show the pain I still felt deep inside.
"I promise I will". Was all I muttered before she pulled me towards her and wrapped her arms around me.
She smelled like flowers and soap detergent. She smelled like home.

And I couldn't ask for more.

Once we pulled away she led me inside the class as we waited for Grandma to arrive.

One thing kept replaying in my mind though.
I wasn't sure I could keep my promise.

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