chapter seven

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"where are we going". I asked quietly. Rolake turned towards me.

"Am taking you to your class".

"It's a science class,am I right?". I nodded my head,making her beam another one of her smiles.

We walked past a few blocks or buildings. Each painted in milk and red. Their roof's also a very shouty red colour.

The school was beautiful to be honest.
The greenery never fading. Although there were a few dirt roads and alot of dust,it was still a sight to watch.
I noticed though,no students were loittering around the school compound.
Was it time for break?. I wonder.

'Seriously isrealla,if It was time for break wouldn't you see people outside'. My subconscious mocked. I ignored her and kept on walking along side Rolake.

She lead us past more red and milk buildings , I noticed plastic signs,shaped rectangularly,with writings on them were placed on top of each door on each block, The junior section, Administration block and so on.

Rolake finally stopped when we arrived at a particular block of classes. They had the same plastic signs with SS3 boldly written. There was ss3A,B,then C.

"A is for arts,B science,C commercial". She explained when she noticed I was staring intently at the writting's engraved on plastic. I nodded absent mindedly.

" Where is everyone?". I blurted before I could stop my self.


She flashed me a grin, exposing her white teeth slightly.

"They are in the dinning hall for breakfast". I gawped at her. Isn't it too late for breakfast?.

" Nine o'clock is the normal time we eat." She paused once we were in front of the door labelled B.

"So some people just eat from their provision's before going out" she shrugged, walking into the class as I trailed behind.

The classroom. Well it was ok. I was actually expecting worse.
The wooden desks were arranged neatly in an assembly-like manner. The floors were cemented but clean,small pot holes scathing them.
School bags were slung on various seats,books also scattered on top of a few desks.

"So this is your class, it's okay right". She spoke breaking me out of my observation session.

" Yeah it's okay, it's actually pretty clean". I said making her laugh slightly.

" Wait till the end of the class,you go see clean". Her slightly high pitched voice spoke again in pidgin.

I sighed as I took it all in. Will I like this new school setting. Everything just seems different. Not that am complaining.

Who am I kidding,am probably about to shit in my panties right now from nerves.i scanned the classroom again.
What if all the seats were occupied?. What if they hate the way I look,talk or act?. Worse ,what if they hate me In general.

Gosh I seriously need to stop over thinking this?.

It's just school right?,right, right.....

Grandma said I should be myself. I should act normal and everything will sail smoothly.

Be myself

My eyes locked on Rolake,she had been staring at me the whole time.

Wait.... Fuck were was I supposed to sit.
I slapped my self mentally for cursing. Good thing I didn't say that out loud. Probably wouldn't want to scare her away.

" Where am I supposed to sit down. Cause I'm not used to your sitting arrangement or school setting at all". I voiced making her chuckled slightly.

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