chapter twenty

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Really sorry for the long wait.
I finally switched POV's.enjoy 😏


I watched as my best friend ran out of the class her thighs together and nearly fell out of my chair from laughter.
She always walked like that whenever she was pressed.
"What's funny?" Amanda asked curiously. I shook my head nothing as we continued to brain storm more points for our debate on the topic 'urban areas are more safe than rural areas'.
Five minutes had passed and we hardly finished a paragraph when I caught sight of something in front of the class.

Sarah and her flies were rummaging through someone's locker. Ella's locker to be precised. I felt a headache forming as anger overtook me.
I always hated violence. But this.....this is just disrespect on another level.

"Hey!" I snapped getting up from my seat.
They turned in my direction glaring daggers at me. Infact the whole class turned to look at me. I guess they are wondering why one of the most quiet girls in their class was storming towards Sarah like a hound released from hell. I ignored their looks and strolled towards the three miscreants.
"What are you guys doing?". I seethed,sizing them from head to toe. A deep scowl on my face.
One beat passed..
They all burst into laughter, holding themselves against the locker for support as they cackled like witches.
What was funny? Nawa ohh.
Naso madness they take start.[this is the first signs of being diagnosed with madness].
I understood that they were mocking me but I decided to be mature and not lash out. That wouldn't make me any better than them.

When they noticed I wasn't saying anything, they started to share her sharpies amongst themselves. that's what they wanted. What is so wrong with asking. Must they carry what doesn't belong to them. Of course I didn't say that out loud. Like I said I was trying to be civil. I wasn't going to go blow up like a volcano. Yet....

Tomiwa, Tobi's girlfriend or should I say ex. After the fight we just witnessed I don't think their relationship has any hope anymore. Well good for him. The girl was very annoying.
Well she was the first to walk over to the board ,swaying her small ass that wouldn't even fit in one of my palm.


Were they going to write on the board with the sharpies? They couldn't do that, Ella had told me never to use them on the board because they were basically permanent and am very sure whatever they were going to write was not PG13.

I panicked.

"Khadijat and co please you guys should drop what you carried from that locker. If Ella comes back you won't find it funny". I warned. Venom dripping from every word I spit out. But it's either they were deaf or they had a death wish. Ella would turn tables over if she came here and found them playing with these sharpies.

Sarah was the first to hiss at me. Then they followed suit. It was like they were waiting for her ,like she was their commander or something. Then they all strutted to the board leaving me standing as Tomiwa who was already by the board wrote in capital letters'SEX EDUCATION'.

I gasped.

Are they serious right now.......

Apparently the whole class found it funny as they started to laugh, making vulgar comments. Especially the boys. Typical. On the other hand Ola our class monitor started to plead with them to stop but he didn't make a move to stop them. He was one of the people who was scared of them.

The only people who have ever stood up to them are Ella and Sam. And as you know she went to use the bathroom and hasn't come back yet.And Sam looked lost in thought as he stared blankly at the whole scene. Maybe he wasn't in the mood.
I looked at the board and now they were drawing boobs and other genital parts which I will not mention.
The guys hooted.....Obinna Okoro and his Igbo group of friends even stood up to help the girls draw a more detailed image.

I was mortified.

This girls are going to get us in serious trouble if a teacher See's this.

That's it.

"You guys should stop. You're going to get us in you know that those aren't ma......"

" Medina!". A very bored familiar voice drawled ,interrupting my annoyed rant. I turned my attention towards Munir had his nose buried in a book. I didn't even notice he was in class. When did he get in.

More importantly how did he know my name. He hardly spoke to me.

"Just leave the girls be. They are having fun". He huffed under his breath ,making Khadijat gush and screech in her annoying voice " yesso tell her Munir". I friends hummed in agreement. I was seeing red.

Was he siding with them right now?!

Has everyone gone mad in this class?

But then his eyes shifted from the book to mine. There was a certain emotion in them. Amusement.....that's odd.
He smirked slightly,and that's when I pieced everything together. He knew the sharpies weren't for boards.

He knew they were permanent.

And all he wanted was for Sarah and her dumb squad to make a fool out of themselves. Wow.....
Munir you just won yourself an ally. I supressed the urge to laugh. And with a tight lipped smile i turned to them.

"Go ahead ohh... enjoy yourselves.YOLO".
Everyone laughed at that, clearly understanding the sarcasm behind my jolly words. But since Sarah and her friends were stupid. They decided to ignore me and go ahead with whatever they were writing on the board.

I went back to my seat and completely ignored them. Facing my book and minding my business.

Not five minutes after I sat down, my best friend cat-walked into the class doing a double take as she stared at the board in shock.

"What the fu...!" She growled, catching herself before she cursed.

The whole class went silent.

I smiled evily. Relaxing back in my seat to enjoy the show.

I can't wait to see the look on their faces when she tells them the marker is permanent.

Next chapter is on the way😁🤞
Sorry for any grammatical errors. I didn't have time to proof read🙄🚶

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