chapter fourteen

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"Morenike." I shuffled in my sleep.
"Morenike." The voice called again this time louder. I opened my eyes, straining to keep them open.

What time is it?

As my vision adjusted,my eyes locked on a half naked Rolake clad in a bright pink towel smiling sheepishly at me.
I groaned and turned my back on her. Suddenly the sound of flesh hitting flesh resounded in the room. I gasped in horror and turned around glaring at an amused Rolake. I sat up,rubbing my backside that was just assualted by her hands.
"Mumu girl,undress and meet me in the showers in 5 minutes" she chirped skipping away. She actually skipped.

Lordddddd. I groaned into my pillow before placing my feet on the floor. I hunched over,dragging my slippers from underneath the bed. As I slipped them unto my feet I pulled my house wear over my head,my bra following. I winced slightly in pain. Touching the imprinted marks the bra gave me underneath my breasts. Why did I forget to remove this shit again?
I glared at the bondage on the floor before reaching for my towel and tying it around my chest securely. I took my dirty clothes and dumped them in a basket. I would wash them later in the day.
I shuffled out of my corner and came to a halt when I felt my wrist watch on my hand. I unclasped it quickly and flung it on my bed and rushed towards the showers.

After that much needed warm shower,I felt more energetic and alive. I put on my uniform and slipped some black panty hose underneath it. The weather was rather gloomy today. A sign that it was going to rain soon. I wanted to be prepared.
After putting my socks,I slipped into my black converse,tying the lace neatly. I was spraying deodorant under my pits when it was suddenly snatched away from me.
"Heyyyyy." I protested but pouted the moment I caught Medina moving backwards as she sprayed my deodorant all over her body. Even under her skirt.
My eyes trailed over her dressing. She had changed a lot since we first met. I had helped her mend her skirt since I knew a thing or two about sewing. I also borrowed her my new white shirt which was tucked neatly into the skirt. Her neck tie was knotted in place,collar pressed flat against it. She was wearing knee high socks,her school shoes polished and shiny.

"Why are you looking at me like that." My gaze lazily drifted to her eyes and I could see the smirk playing on her lips.

"You just look good today that's all." The smirk turned into a grin as I stared at her in suspicion.

"Awwwwwwwwwww are you crushing on me Ella." She cooed.

"Uhh ewww no way." I deadpanned turning away from her as I reached for my wrist watch under my pillow. When I clutched it,I clasped it quickly.

"I don't do girls." I added smugly,snatching back my bottle of deodorant from her and putting it in my wall locker. Instead of been offended,she started laughing, hunching over as she held my bunk for support. This girl was something else. I chuckled staring at her short hair which had started to grow into an afro.

"You need a haircut". I suddenly said cutting short her laughter.

"And you're still looking at me." She fired back, smiling slightly.

"Mtchewwww." I kissed my teeth loudly. A bad habit I picked from grandma anytime she was irritated or annoyed.

"Aahaaa,so a whole Isrealla can hiss." She actually sounded amazed like it was the first time I have ever impressed her or something.

"I can do a lot of things,I just don't want to". I mumbled,reaching inside one of my lockers to retrieve my grey hoodie. I shoved it inside my almost empty back pack and turned towards her.

"You're done?" She asked and I nodded.

"Okay". She replied as she started to walk ahead of me.

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