chapter thirty nine

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Ok so we are back to Isrealla's mind,

Read away......

He held the door open for me and we walked into what looked like a cafe, I inhaled the sweet scent of coffee beans and baked goods and almost sighed.
The cafe had a very cozy aesthetic vibe to it. With light cream walls, and booths which had yellow plush seats and LED lights hanging from them.

Munir led us to a booth which had floor to ceiling windows facing the parking lot. We both took our seats in the booth by the edge and sat facing each other. Our eyes locked and he smiled at me. I loved seeing him smile. It was like staring at an angel.

The waitress came over to our table to ask if we were ready to order. I noticed she kept staring at Munir and completely ignored my presence I almost scoffed at this. I'm not even surprised. He practically commands attention everywhere he stepped foot into.

Munir didn't seem to notice her wandering eyes. He just told her we would like two glasses of water and to come back in a few minutes by then we would have looked over the menu. She smiled and left.

Slouching in his seat, he picked up the menu which was on the table, I didn't bother picking mine up. I'd just let him order for me.

"What would you like." He asked not looking up from the pages. "Anything is fine, as long as it's good." I replied back, he looked up from the menu and without arguing he nodded at my answer. Thank heavens I thought he was going to force me to order what I wanted.

"I didn't even ask sef, do you like it." He stared expectantly at me waiting for my reply. He was talking about the cafe.

"I do." I said without missing a beat, smiling at him. He sighed and smiled back making me remember our earlier encounter in the car. I remembered his boldness and the way he touched me and also the way I responded and I couldn't help but blush under my dark skin.

"Are you ready to order." The waitress asked all of a sudden making me tear my gaze from Munir to look at her.
"Yes, we'll have the couples combo please." He replied not once looking at her. His honey brown eyes roaming my face as if memorizing it.

"Of course." The waitress said, her voice sounded clipped unlike her cheery facade earlier. Guess she didn't like what he ordered. I almost laughed at her odd facial expression.

Immediately she left I just had to snicker a little bit. Munir stared at me in confusion.
"Why are you laughing."

"You're telling me you didn't notice." Honestly I've never met anyone who is so oblivious to what their looks do to people.

"Notice what." He sipped on his water then stretched his long legs untill they were brushing mine under the table.

"The way she was staring at you. It was as if she was undressing you with her eyes I swear." I drawled the last part out. Clearly I was getting annoyed.

He shook his head slowly "When I'm with you I don't look at anything or anyone else, you're the only thing that matters in that moment." Ok I think I just got an asthma attack.

Someone get me my inhaler cause this boy just took my breath away.

My mouth opened and closed multiple times but I couldn't get a single word out.

"Close your mouth Ella there are flies around, you might catch one." he smirked, apparently he found my speechlessness amusing. I glared at his infuriating good looks. His dark hair had grown longer since we left school it fell past his perfect eyebrows, he would push it slightly every few seconds from his alluring eyes. My hands itched to grab it.

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