chapter twelve

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So,it's been a week since I've been to Marilyn high and I must say I have learned a lot about the students, teachers and non-academic staff.

Although Rolake and I are not as close as I thought we would be,she still wakes me up every morning to take a shower and eat breakfast. She was a loving sister and I adored her. I knew she knew i wouldn't like her circle of friends so am guessing that's why she doesn't complain when I don't hang out with her. She understands me and am grateful for that.

Medina on the other hand has become my wingman. Always having my back and helping me in every way she can. Both academically and socially. Although I've not really started talking to most of the students I still pull through because the teachers love me. Especially the English teacher. Not that am complaining though.

Medina and I on the other hand have formed a solid friendship within the span of one week and I couldn't ask for more. She was supportive,caring,sweet and carefree.A total contrast to my quiet, brooding and over thinking self.she was just a ball of sunshine.

During the first week of our resumption our form teacher Mr Isaac assigned us to seats of his choice and luckily for me I ended up with Medina. We talked,ate,did homework and went for school activities together. I was really starting to get comfortable in this school thanks to her and Rolake.

Sometimes it could get annoying though,the piles of homework and classworks and upcoming projects. It's not like I can't do them no that's  far from it. The truth is that here in Nigeria their syllabus is far back and to me it's just like repeating junior year all over again.

"Did you do your English assignment?". Medina asked as we both walked to class,I Hitched my bag higher on my right shoulder.

"Yes I did,why?".

"Thank God,can I borrow it." She asked I could hear the uncertainty in her voice. Did she think I was so stuck up I wouldn't give it to her. Well what do i expect,she's only known me a week.

"Of course,let's get to class I'll give it too you". I smiled brightly at her.

She sighed and followed after me into our class.

As always,we were the first to be in the  classroom so I quickly pulled out my homework and handed it to Medina as I got to arranging my locker.
Medina pulled open hers and as always it was tidy and arranged. Not a single thing out of place.

Her note books were on one section arranged alphabetically,textbooks on the other ranging from big to small.
Her pens were also arranged from the darkest shade to the lightest. That is black,red,blue then green.
I laughed internally as I finished arranging my own locker and stuffing it with my sweets and junks. The girl clearly had OCD and she didn't know it.

I poured out a new packet of eclairs in my locker,scrunching up the wrapper I tossed it at the back of the class. I knew this would annoy Medina. She was a clean freak and she didn't even know it.

"Ella why do you eat so much sweets abeg,and do you really have to throw the leather on the floor. There's a waste bin over there." I looked over to were she pointed and shrugged. She looked annoyed.

"It's not like there won't be junior students swarming the class soon to clean it up,so why bother." I grinned. I knew she was trying to control her temper. She was just about a second away from blowing up.
But she reigned it in,sighed and got to finishing her homework.

I almost burst out laughing,but I controlled myself. I didn't want her to get more mad. But she was so cute when she was angry.

I turned towards my bag and pulled out a bottle of coke and downed it halfway dropping it on top of my desk as I went over my physics note from our last class.

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