chapter forty five

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I glared at the stupid clock in front of me wishing I could just turn the hands to speed up the time and get the hell out of this class. For some reason after my conversation with Isrealla about Medina two days ago, I was always fidgeting and jittery with nerves. I didn't know what was happening and I didn't like it one bit.

Was this how it felt when I was about to ask Tomiwa out back then?

Nahhh......I can't remember feeling this way. So what the fuck was wrong? Or have I started to run mad?

Yeah that's probably what is happening.

  Giving up on trying to understand my emotions I scanned the empty classroom. This is what my life has become now. Isolating myself from everyone else. And keeping to myself when everything was too much. It brought about a certain feeling of peace and clarity. And honestly I liked it. Now I understood why Munir liked to be alone before. And to think I thought he was just been a fucking loner cause no one likes him. How stupid I was.

To say I envied him was an understatement. The guy was handsome, had the privilege to do whatever he wants since his mom basically owns the school and he even gets the perfect girl whereas I'm stuck looking from the sidelines and wishing I had what he did. I know you might think I am ungrateful or not contented but that's just how I feel.
I've always wished to have everything. The perfect relationship, the perfect grades, the perfect family. But Munir who didn't even care about all those things suddenly got to date the nicest girl I've ever met. Yes I admit it, Isrealla is nice but I can never let her know that. Her ego has already been stroked enough after she knocked me on my ass that day. I swear I can still feel that punch to my stomach. I'll have to ask her were she learnt to throw a punch like that. Fucking ninja. She literally scares the shit out of me.

The school bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I rose from my seat in the empty classroom and power walked to the dorms. I needed a shower as soon as possible. I was sweating like a pig again.

After undressing and tying a towel around my waist, I took out my body wash and supplies out of my locker and headed for the bathrooms. As I got there I noticed there weren't many people inside so I found an empty bathroom and got in. I fixed the water to a lukewarm temperature, got under the spray and started washing my body. I sighed as my tense muscles relaxed. My thoughts started to deviate again.

I was going to speak to her today.

To Medina...

The ninja told me she was going to make her go to class early for prep so I could have a chance to speak to her before anyone interrupted. Imagine if Tomiwa happened to be there when I spoke to her. All hell would break lose.

Tomiwa and I had been together since we were in SS1 I think. I had asked her out because well, she was pretty and I was handsome and I felt we were a great match. Two popular people been together. We were the ultimate power couple in my set. Now that I think about the reason I asked her out, I can't help but feel ashamed. It was such a vain reason. We were just children we didn't even know anything about love.

Tomiwa wanted to be showered with gifts and money and attention and I just basically wanted an arm candy and someone to stick my dick into. Pathetic.

I had always thought what we had was enough but then I started to notice alot of things were just wrong. Like how Tomiwa was always controlling and how I was always not at peace with her. When we fought even if I wasn't at fault I would always apologize. I was the mumu, the idiot who followed his girlfriend around like a fucking lost puppy. Stupid.

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