chapter forty seven

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Hey guys here is another update. It's just a filler chapter, so sorry if it's not long.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Do you want to put on lip gloss too?" I asked a stupified Munir who just looks at me as if I've grown a second head on my shoulders.

We were on our way to class from the boys hostel. I'm sure you're asking if we had a death wish but don't you worry, we were the last to leave so no one noticed anything fishy. Unless they were really observant, they wouldn't have known we left together only if they actually saw us leave together. And apart from Medina and the sergeant no one else knows about me staying over at his room yesterday. I had snuck out first then waited a few feet in front of the gate for Munir who followed 5 minutes later and then here we are walking to class like we just met on the way.

"Give me that." He snatched it away from my hand before I could protest and brought the tube to his nose to sniff it.

"So this is what makes your lips taste like that." He murmured absentmindedly.

"Like what?" I feigned ignorance making him turn at me with a sharp glare.

"Like something sweet." Was the only thing he said. Typical Munir. I forced back the smile that almost broke onto my face and hissed, trying to snatch back my lipgloss.

"Hey give it back." Since I was physically lacking in the height department and Munir was basically a skyscraper I had no chance because he was already stretching the tube away from my reach. I huffed in annoyance.

"Munir teachers are going to be coming to this block soon and I'd like to be in class when that happens so you either give it to me now or we will have to do this the hard way." I stomped my foot like a five year old. But I guess I looked like a kid throwing a tantrum because he immediately started laughing.

"I can't really take you seriously with your face like that. You just look so cute when you're angry." He smirked, lowering his face to mine, till I smelt the sweet scent of his aftershave.

"Munir I think you have forgotten what happens when I get angry. It's like you're begging to be tied up again." He looked taken a back by my statement probably not expecting it. I know I surprised myself there too. Munir just brings out this side of me. I don't know whether to love or hate it.

"Don't flatter yourself buttercup I let you tie me up. I would have gotten lose if I wanted too." He pumped his eyebrows at me and grinned lasciviously. Stupid bastard.

Yeah so the hard way it is. Lord what is Munir turning me into. I need holy water.

I made sure to look if any teachers have arrived on our block. I didn't care if our classmates could see us from the windows. They already knew we were dating so it wasn't a new thing seeing us close to each other. Since he was already leaning close to my face I put my right hand around his neck to hold him in place, our nose's brushing.
Then I put my left hand between us. He gave me the 'you wouldn't try it' look and I just mimicked his famous smirk with one of my own. I brushed my fingers against his lower abdomen before fully cupping him over his pants. He hissed between his teeth and caught hold of my wrist but didn't move my hand away. Any one looking at us would think we were just making out since my school back on my left shoulder hid my hand from view. I rubbed him leisurely.

"Munir my poor baby? Are you in pain." I cooed softly earning me a sharp glare from him, I chuckled at his reaction and whispered against his lips. " If you give me my lipgloss back so we can go to class, I'll take care of this for you later. Deal?" He nodded his head so quickly he would give lizards a run for their money. I grinned as I moved away from him and stretched out my right hand. He placed my gloss on it and I was about to leave when something caught my eye. My palm covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing at his misfortune. He would hate me.

"What?!" He snapped.

"You might want to cover that. I don't want anyone thinking my boyfriend is a walking pervert now can I?" I gestured towards his hard on and he groaned unzipping his bag furiously and pulling out his bomber jacket and tying it around his waist. He huffed and moved past me till he got on the pavement of our classroom.

"Hey! Where are you going without me. It's like you don't want your promise later bah." He turned and stomped back to me, took ahold of my hand and started to walk quickly to the class. Everyone turned to look at us as we entered. Once I was on my sit. He pecked me on the cheek and moved to his own seat. Our classmates hollered like usual as if they haven't seen us do this before. One look at Munir's walking step to his seat and I still wanted to laugh. I knew he wasn't mad at me but at the pain he was feeling. Heard it was pretty uncomfortable for guys.

"What's wrong with that one." Medina asked looking over at Munir whose head was now on his desk trying to sleep. Sam and Obinna tried to speak to him but he just gave nods with a grimace on his face.

"Nothing he's just going through a hard time." Medina missed the pun but since I understood it I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You're crazy I swear."

"I know, I know." I agreed whipping fake tears from eyes.

*. *. *. *. *. *

It was a little after break time when Medina and I were getting back from the schools stock shop when we saw a lot of students who weren't even from our class in front our classroom door.

What was happening......

Medina and I shared looks of unspoken words and briskly walked to see what the commotion was all about. Once we entered the classroom with great effort on our part I noticed at the end of the class were Munir's seat is normally situated alone, isn't so alone anymore. Someone was occupying it. I couldn't see who was there since Tomiwa and co practically blocked my view from the person. But then her head popped up from the crowd of students and landed on me. No behind me. And then she yelled a name that was awfully familiar you wouldn't dream of forgetting it.

"Munir!" Medina dragged me out of the way as the tall model like girl sped past me and literally clung to my boyfriend like a koala bear.

"Magdalene...." Munir whispered but I understood what he said perfectly. And to my horror his hands automatically wrapped around her waist and hugged her to him.

"Ahh wahala dey ohh." Medina deadpanned as we took in the scene before us.


Author's note

I know you guys thought I forgot magdalene 😂 I didn't ohh. For the observent ones you will notice that Anna and Rolake spoke about her on Isrealla's first day. Well I hope you enjoyed all the happy moments cause it about to get interesting from here on out😌😏

Bye my lovelies💞💞

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