chapter fifty

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I'm happy to announce the broken ones is almost complete.....
Only few more chapters to go😭😭

Yes I know you will say finally😒😏

Warning acts of sexual abuse are going to occur towards the ending of the chapter. This book is a mature book so if you do not like that kind of thing you can skip it and read from the next chapter. Don't worry you'll still understand. But if you can handle it go ahead and read the whole chapter. Thank you.....


It's being a week since Munir and I broke up. A week of absolute hellish pain. After I had left him inside the seniors bathroom I had ran in search of my bestfriend. She wasn't having any papers that morning so I found her taking a nap in her room. I had let go of my pride and crawled in next to her as I bawled my eyes out. She didn't ask me what was wrong she just held me close and rubbed my back to soothe me. But nothing could take away the pain I felt at that moment. It was like a gaping hole was left in my chest from someone ripping it out. It was excruciating to say the least. I had tried calling my parents that same week but they never returned any of my calls. I needed them but they weren't there once again. I could say that I was going to get better but I'd be lying to myself about that. I wasn't okay at all and I'm glad I saved Munir the pain of seeing my mental health start to detoriate.

He already had his own issues to deal with and I didn't want to be anymore of a burden than I already was. That was one of the main reasons I asked for a break.

Call me a pussy for taking such measures but I didn't need him asking questions that I couldn't answer. I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell him or anyone for that matter about what happened to me in canada. Just thinking about it made my skin crawl and I'm sure Munir too would be disgusted if he learned that the person he was dating was defiled in that way.

So yes maybe I was angry about the whole magdalene issue but i had come to realize it wasn't the main reason. my parents neglect and my insecurities had fueled my impulsive decision to end our relationship and now it has come to bite me in the ass. I just hope that Munir was ok.

Because I sure as hell wasn't.

*. *. *. *. *

The rest of the students had resumed school for the final term a few days ago. We were already writing our NECO examinations and the JSS3 students had being sent home for their break. I realized how everything was moving so fast and I didn't even know whether to like it or hate it.

Would I ever see Munir again? Probably not but then whose fault was that.

Khalil and I had met up a few times after he came back, but I wasn't comfortable been around him anymore. He was a great friend and all but I felt like I was betraying Munir in a way by being around his brother and I didn't want to give him the wrong idea. The other day he had pecked me on the cheek after escorting me to my hostel. Medina had warned me thoroughly to keep my distance because he might be catching feelings and I didn't want a situation wereby she was right. I decided that I was going to tell him I didn't like him in that way and we should keep our distance. A rift between him and his brother was the last thing I wanted on my conscience. A girl could only take so much.

I was sitting in the library waiting for him in our usual spot when a junior student dropped me a note. I thanked her and moved to open the paper slowly so it wouldn't crumple.

Hey Ella,
I wont be able to make it today but I promise to make it up to you in the evening.
Come to SS3 C later. There's something I want to tell you.

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