Chapter thirty three

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Today was vacation day and to say I was elated was an understatement of the century. I was beyond happy.

A month away from school was just what I needed.
The school although fun had really taken a toll on me and I needed to be free of this prison.

Medina and I rushed to finish our breakfast. And yeah we went for breakfast. They made chips and eggs today and I wasn't missing it for anything in the world. I would surely miss our schools menu.

"Hurry up Ella my mom is probably here already." Medina complained. I mumbled an ok with my mouth full. Took my drink and washed the food down then I grabbed my bag so we could walk to the gates.

"Have you collected Your boyfriend's number yet." Medina suddenly said making me stop in my tracks.
My boyfriend. he's number. Didn't collect.

I didn't collect Munir's number! fuck am stupid.

"I forgot guyyyy" I shrieked dramatically making Medina cringe and close her ears.

" Mychewwww stop that jareh we will find him at the gates everyone is there already."

We had already collected our report cards a day before and all we needed to do now was wait for a parent or guardian to pick and sign us out.

Grandma said she was going to be here by 10am so I was leaving early. Rolake has probably already left since my Aunt and uncle came earlier by 9am. I made sure to collect her number so we would keep in touch at home. I would really miss her. I hope she visits.

I was still lost in thought as we walked that I didn't notice Medina dragging me and screaming.

"Ummah!" She screeched excitedly.

"Mama how are you?" A middle aged woman with eyes as sharp as a cat's and dark chocolate skin spoke. She was really beautiful. I now see were Medina got her looks from.

She also had a slight accent but it fit her well.

" I'm fine mom. I want you to meet my friend Ella she's the one I told you that came from abroad and has been helping me cope with my studies." Medina praised. If I was fair I'm sure I would have been as red as a tomato right now.
I bowed my head and greeted her mother bending slightly at the knees.

"Oh's nice to meet you Ella."

I was suddenly pulled into a hug and the sweet smell of jasmine and cloves invaded my nostrils. I inhaled deeply.
She smelled really nice.

I blushed when she pulled away.

"Likewise ma."

"Alright I'll leave you girls to say your goodbyes. Medina I'll be by the gate signing you out be quick ok." Medina nodded earnestly and turned to face me.
I smiled slightly. She returned it.

"Bitch am not hugging you goodbye cause I'll still see you at home we have to hang out." I laughed loudly.

Typical Medina move.

"Of course we have to." I said slapping her shoulders.

"Okay I have to go but make sure your collect that fool's number before your grandma comes you hear." I nodded in response and she pulled my cheeks, I grinned slapping her hand away as she jogged over to her mum not before waving me. I just shook my head and smiled.

I don't know for how long I stood there looking at her retreating figure that I didn't notice someone was right behind me.

"What's got you all happy." He's voice said.
I screeched and jumped backwards in fear.

"You idiot you scared the shit out of me." I chided glaring at him. He just laughed and slung he's arm over my shoulders.

" I'm I the one that told you not to be conscious of your environment." He responded completely amused.
I tried removing he's hand from my shoulder but he just kept putting it back.
I sighed and slapped his chest playfully.

" I'll miss you cocoa butter." He suddenly says, making me flustered.

I turned to look up at him and I noticed he's honey eyes were already fixed on me. A little sadness In them.

" I'll miss you too Honey eyes." I teased back and just like that the sadness faded as Munir broke into a fit of laughter. I've always loved he's laugh. It was hearty and sincere. Like him.

"My honey eyes?!" He rose his eyebrows in question and I smirked at him.

"It's not only you that has nicknames pretty boy." I jested. He's smile never wavered as he interlocked our fingers together. Rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. I inhaled sharply as butterflies erupted in response to he's touch. I don't think I'll ever get used to affectionate Munir.

" Here..." I watched as he dug into the pocket of he's slacks and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed it to me and I immediately unfolded it.

It was he's phone number.

I smiled slightly and looked up at him.

" Make sure you call me the moment we leave here and every other day." He commanded. I smirked, deciding to tease him a little.

" And if i don't?" I said raising a brow. He grinned mischievously and poked me with he's fingers making me squirm and move away.

" If you don't then I'll hunt you for the rest of your life. You know my village people have witches."

I gasped at that and he smiled widely.

" Okay..okay fine I'll call you." I surrendered.

" Good...I'll see you later Isrealla." He said pumping he's eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

I laughed and pushed him away. I was about to say something when he's name was called.

" Munir let's go mummy is waiting." Khalil was stood a couple of feet away tapping he's feet impatiently.

A scowl immediately took over the features of the handsome man beside me. All humor gone from he's eyes.

"I'm coming." He said dismissively. Then he turned towards me and he's features softened. He pulled me into a brief hug. It was short. Too short.

"Call me." He said once again but this time it sounded more like a plea.
Why was Munir always tense around his family. Was something wrong.
Did something happen to him.
I wanted to ask but I knew he said he would tell me when he was ready so I would wait. For him.

I pulled his hand and stroked it.
"I promise." I assured him and just like that his tensed shoulders relaxed and he smiled that breathtaking smile at me and I couldn't help but smile back. Then he walked away leaving me feeling empty.

My grandma came a few moments later and we sighed out and got into the car. Grandma kept filling me on on what happened while I was away but my mind wasn't completely in the conversation. It was occupied by a certain curly haired man.

I couldn't wait to text my baby....

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