chapter two

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I was been pulled deep into a dark alleyway. I fought against the hands that kept me in a tight hold, dragging me all the way in.

I was so scared.

The worse part was that I couldn't see their faces but I could hear clearly the disgusting and vile things they planned to do to me.

"Please..." I begged over and over again. But they acted as if their eardrums were clogged.

They kept on pulling and pushing me until my head was slammed against the hard concrete wall.

I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming in pain. There was a metallic taste in my mouth.


I felt a hand crawling under my skirt and my eyes widened to the size of saucers.

"Stop! Stop it please" I cried.

"Yes baby, I love to hear you scream and beg, it just makes me want to fuck you more." One of them spoke huskily. Pleasure lasing his voice.

A large hand clamped over my mouth as my hands were also pinned by my side to stop me from moving.

Before I could register what was happening my underwear was ripped from underneath my skirt and he plunged inside me. Stretching me out and filling me.

I screamed as I jerked awake. My clothes were soaked in sweat and my breathing was ragged.

"Isrealla, dear, are you okay?" A comforting voice spoke as they pulled me into a tight hug.

"They...the.... they....were......oh my God it was horrible." I stammered my voice breaking in between sobs.

" It's ok honey, am here now. No one will hurt you. Am here now". I recognized the voice immediately. It was my mother.

But for some strange reason i felt like she was the enemy. I pushed my self out of her hold making her look at me in confusion.

I know am not supposed to blame her but it was hard maybe because we've been having arguments lately which she always provoked for no reason and which was one of the reasons why i decided to go to that stupid party in the first place so she can't really blame me for not wanting to talk to her.

"Charliey called me to ask how you were". She spoke after a while.


Why would she call me? When she abandoned me in the first place.

"She was the one who found you after what happened". That statement shut my brain up completely.

I glanced up at my mother. She was looking back at me. Maybe she was expecting a reply. I kept shut though.

If charliey was the one who found me then I'd have to thank her later. But right now my silence was the only thing keeping me from breaking down again.

The door jiggled a little before the plump frame of my grandmother came in. Her eyes scanned the room a little before landing on me and a wide vibrant smile replaced the frown on her slightly wrinkled face.

"Mo, how are you doing today my dear?".
She always calls me 'Mo'.

Short for Morenike. She was the one who gave the name to me. She said I was supposed to embrace my ethnicity. Even if I was raised here , that didn't mean I had any white genes.

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