chapter fifteen

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"shebi you know you're the only one who will do that assignment". I shrugged my shoulders,taking a chug out of my yogurt bottle.

"Why do you say that?". Medina and I were on our way back from the school stock shop. It was already closing time and I was craving some yogurt so we went to get some. And right now she was giving me a lecture about why I should switch partners so I wouldn't have to be stuck with Munir. Her exact words were"he's trouble and he's a liability,you can get an F on your project because of him". Well as a matter of fact I didn't really care about the assignment. I just wanted to get to talk to him.

"He won't participate in anything,he hardly pays attention in class Ella. Do you seriously want someone like that to be your partner?". Well I don't mind. I badly wanted to say that to her. But I knew arguing with her would only rile me up more.

"I really don't think he's not gonna participate,besides even if he doesn't well it's not like I can't do it on my own. It will be like he's not even there,mind you I actually like working alone if you haven't noticed. So it's no biggy". I strolled ahead of her. I heard her foot steps become more rapid as she jogged to catch up with me.

"And when you submit you would let him take credit too?" I almost groaned out loud at her meaningless questions.

I squeezed my bottle tighter to refrain from screaming at her.

"Was that rhetorical or were you actually asking if I would? Because my answer will be yes. I would." I smiled wildly at her and almost laughed as her face scrunched up in annoyance.

"So are you going to talk to him? he's alone in class right now it's the perfect timing". I spun around to look at her so quickly I thought I would get whiplash.
Medina,Medina. Just a moment ago she was reprimanding my acceptance of munir as my partner and now she's giving me advice to talk to him. She really is something else. I've never met anyone like her. She scolds me one minute and voices out my flaws and mistakes and the next minute she's supportive about my decision.
Back in the States Charlie would go with whatever idea or choice I made. Whether good or bad. She never called me out on my mistakes or my flaws. I actually thought she was helping me. Well until you know what happened.
I wish I had met her earlier I mean Medina,then maybe I wouldn't have to go through what I did.

I cocked my head to the side and watched her,a smile threatening to break out on my lips.

"What!" She yelled. Making me burst in uncontrollable laughter.

"Nothing baby,I just love you". I said leaning in to Peck her cheek.

"Ewwwwwww" she exclaimed,whipping at her cheek vigorously.i laughed more as I got on top of the pavement. Students were starting to stare but I didn't care. I was having a good time with my best friend so why would I ruin the moment by caring about why people were staring at me.

"Ok am going to go talk to him". I sighed and She gave me a thumbs up.
"Good luck". She said and I narrowed my eyes in question.
But she just mouthed a "you will need it don't worry"as she skipped away.
Jesus what's with her and Rolake skipping like maniacs today.
I shook my head as a very vivid image of Rolake skipping in a towel earlier today slipped in my mind.

I scanned the class for a very familiar dark haired boy. And there he was sitting on his chair propped against the wall. He had one knee bent and other one lying across the empty desk chair next to his. His hands were shoved deeply in his pockets and he's face was somber and stoic,it was as if he was lost in his own personal dark bubble. His expression wasn't welcoming at all,which was making me double think the whole talking to him part.
But I was already in front of him so there was no turning back now.

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