chapter twenty five

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Let's give a recap of how my day has been shall we,

Ok so before first period our favorite couple in the block *cue eye roll* had a huge fight and kind of broke up... Not sure yet though.

Then I sorta found out that the male party of said relationship has a thing for my best friend.I seriously need to have a talk with him about that.

Next, I went to the bathrooms and came back not knowing there was a huge surprise waiting for me in class from three bimbos whose names shall not be mentioned.

Moving on,our discipline master also saw said suprise but didn't take it quite likely so we are all here in the dining hall serving detention for something we didn't do. Ohhh and I also found out that the hotty I saw at the bathrooms earlier today is related to Munir, so I guess you could say my day was pretty shitty.

Time rolled around fast as we got everything done. Amanda as the brilliant girl that she is divided us into four groups.
The first group were in charge of cleaning tables, second were in charge of sweeping, third were in charge of scrubbing, and the last group were in charge of mopping. I was in the last group. And unfortunately for me Medina wasn't.

So I was stuck alone.

Well not really alone I was put together with Sarah and her midgets. So I just decided to ignore them completely and stuck to my row of chairs.

I didn't have time for petty arguments.

Munir on the other hand was pretty much enjoying himself. He was together with Sam and his friends and they were acting all chummy chummy together. Tobi didn't look like he liked it though. But either they did not notice or they blatantly chose to ignore his presence.

I've never seen Munir laugh so much in one day.
It was like staring at another person honestly. There was no smug expression,no deep swowl,no infuriating smirk and no bored expression. It was all teeth and laughs. And his laugh is honestly my new favorite sound.

As if he felt someone staring at him, his gaze moved from Sam's to meet mine,his smile not relenting. I smiled back and was about to ask him something when khadijat's obnoxious screeching voice yelled from behind me.

"Munir can you pass me your broom please?". Wow I thought we were mopping . Since when do we mop with brooms.

Munir didn't even look suprised,he just muttered a quiet 'sure' and handed it to her.

"Thanks". She practically purred,he nodded in response.

"I also didn't get to tell you how smart it was...I mean what you did in class earlier today, you are honestly a life saver...." I tuned her out the moment she started babbling again and focused on finishing my work.

Medina had finished hers and came to join me. In no time we were both done.

I sighed in relief as I plopped down next to Medina, who was seated on one of the dinning chairs.

"So now what?" I asked no one in particular.

She picked on the loose thread at the end of her shirt and tipped her chin towards the three bimbos who are laughing their heads off about something Munir said. I'm sure it wasn't even that funny.

"Now we wait for them to finish and get the hell out of here". I smiled sheepishly. You hardly hear her curse, but when she does it surely is a sight.

So we waited for Tomiwa and her friends to finish mopping. But they were all too slow so Samuel threatened that all of us would leave the dinning hall and lock them in it if they didn't finish right now. I laughed at that. Honestly that boy never ceases to amaze me. I just love the fact that he doesn't fall for their petty advances and completely hates their guts.

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