chapter twenty seven

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When grandma arrived in all her aseobi glory, Dior hand bag and striking gele. Let's not forget those Louis Vuitton shoes.The first thing she made a comment on was how thicker I had gotten.

I mean the woman couldn't even see through my clothes but she could tell I was adding flesh.

It wasn't even funny at all.

I groaned loudly earning a slap up-side the head from her.
"Morenike were are your manners, ahbi you have forgotten what I can do?". She scolded.

I just smiled sheepishly and grabbed her bag rubbing the still aching spot. Since the driver was holding the provisions that were bought and Rolake was holding the food, I decided to hold the bag and man did it feel good.

"So how have you girls been?" She asked once we were in my class. Rolake was bent over on the floor serving the jollof rice into the ceramic plates and the aroma was already drawing me in like a fucking magnetic force.

Fat ass.....
But I couldn't help just smelt so good and am sure it would taste better.

"Nothing ohh, just the usual. Teachers been hard on us, lots of assignments, tests. We don't really have time for ourselves sef. " Rolake shrugged her shoulders after answering grandma's questions. She handed me a plate of the delicious jollof rice which I wasted no time devouring.
Grandma stared at me a smile gracing her features "I hope the food is good. I prepared it myself". I nodded my head in approval not able to stop chewing earning a hearty laugh from the aging woman.
"So what about you Morenike, anything exciting happening that I should know about."
I shook my head no, but she wasn't relenting at all.the woman wanted me to talkand I could tell by the earnest look in her eyes.
I swallowed slowly and opened my my mouth to reassure her there was nothing but was cut off by footsteps entering the classroom.

Munir and two other men clad In camouflage uniforms were storming into the class with bags upon bags of provisions. None of them even sparing us a glance. How rude.

Wow so he gets an Entourage....... nice

But from the scowl on his face it looked like he didn't like what was happening at all. Like this was all too much for him. And he just wanted to flee the scene.

In the span of time I've known Munir I've only seen him emote these four expressions. Boredom, smugness, amusement and then recently happiness.

But today he wasn't even emoting at all. His eyes were cold, empty and lifeless. It was like a switch was flicked on or should I say flicked off.
He was completely staring into space as he sat, body rigid on his seat.
The two soldiers standing at ease by his side.
He was like a king. But a rather disturbed one. Who wanted nothing to do with his throne, but walk away.

I hadn't even realized grandma and Rolake were staring at me untill she spoke "Ah I see, Morenike likes a boy." I immediately choked on the water I was sipping causing me to double over and heave in pain. My chest hurt really bad but that didn't matter at the moment because I was literally going to kill my grandma.
I straightened and drank more water as I shot her an unamused glare to which she playfully shrugged and started to say something but was once again cut off by another presence.

Expensive Chanel perfume, black louboutins, feet painted a dazzling bloody red colour. The woman's dress was a dashing black body con, an abaya  draped over it. Her hair was wrapped in a black veil, the only visible part was parted neatly in the middle. Her eyes which I couldn't see were covered with a pair of black shades whose brand I could not tell, straight nose leading to plump lips, coloured a bloody red shade like her nails.

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