chapter twenty one

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So I was wondering, should I make a cast or not🤔🤔. Your thoughts please 😌

My bladder felt like it was going to explode literally.

As I rushed to the bathrooms I had a sudden imagination. A very stupid one. What if I just couldn't hold it anymore and peed my pants,like outside. I grimaced as I shook the stupid thoughts away, storming into an empty stall and flushing first before I sat. It's a good thing our schools bathrooms were always cleaned three times a day and we never lacked water. Like ever. Wouldn't want to risk catching infections.

I sighed in relief as I released my liquids.I scanned the bathroom taking in the walls and noticed little scrawlings on the walls. Some nicknames, others vulgar words. Damn i should have brought a sharpie with me. Would have kept me busy.

I finished my business and washed myself. I walked out of the stall and fixed myself by the mirror. When I was satisfied with my reflection, I washed my hands clean and reached for the tissues. They were finished.
Seriously, it's not even second period.

I angrily stomped out of the bathroom instantly slamming into someone since I wasn't watching were I was going.

Our foreheads collided and shit it hurt like hell.

A deep voice groaned ,veiny hands pressing against his forehead.

"Am so sorry I wasn't looking, are you okay?". I had to look up since he was a head taller, I moaned rubbing my own sore forehead. I hope it doesn't form a bump.

"Am fine. It's okay I wasn't watching were I was going too." he said finally bringing down his hand.
I froze... My lips parted in shock.

His face. He looked so much like someone I knew. Someone whose features I've memorized by heart.
He looked like Munir.

It was like Munir threw up his own clone. Only with softer features, a skinnier body physique but definitely gorgeous. While Munir's eyes were a light brown. His were darker, almost black and they were beautiful.

"Hey are you okay?". His smooth voice brought me back to reality.

"I'm good, yes am fine". He smiled two dimples indenting his cheeks.
Ohh Lord. Please tell me am dreaming. I can hardly handle One Munir now there's two of them.


" My name is Khalil." He had a slight accent just like Munir's but his was thicker. It suited him very well.

"Ella". I replied. "Sorry for slamming into you like that I was kind of pissed". I added turning to look at the bathroom door and biting my lip nervously.

"It's okay I told you I was not looking too so I guess we are both at fault. What pissed you off if I may ask". I paused my lips and without thinking I ranted on about the finished tissues and how I had to dry my hands on my shorts and it really grossed me out. I thought he would call me a spoilt brat or worse but he laughed. He actually laughed and it sounded wonderful. He advised that I should probably get used to it because it always happened. He even proceeded to tell me about one time when he was a junior and he caught a kid chucking the tissues into his back pack but before he could ask him what he was doing the kid stormed off shouting 'Person get catarrh una dey leave free tissue for baffroom". [Someone has a runny nose and you guys are leaving free tissues in the bathroom".
I laughed so hard tears almost ran down my cheeks. He just stared at me, grinning wildly. It was suddenly silent and I hated awkward situations. So I cleared my throat and spoke.

" It was nice meeting you Khalil but I have to get to class, I'll see you around". I smiled,turning around and walking away. But not before i heard him mutter a 'yeah see you'.

I smiled sheepishly knowing fully well that he was watching me leave. And that he wanted to actually see me again. I wonder what class he is. I've never seen him on our block before.

At least he lightened my mood. Now I had motivation to draw something. It was already in my head and I couldn't wait to play with my sharpies as I brought it to life on paper.

But as I got into my class the sight that greeted me wiped off any traces of my excitement and vexed me to no extent.

What the hell is going on?... Did I walk into the wrong class?.

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