chapter thirty seven

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Surprise guysss🤭
Welcome to the mind of your one and only boy Munir😌

Read away...


I huffed out in frustration punching the buttons on my controller to knockout my opponent on wrestlemania. I've been really stressed out of my mind since I got back home for vacation. Call it stupid but school was kind of my safe haven. No mom trying to control me, No cousin breathing down my neck and annoying the shit out of me.

With my cocoa butter by my side I literally forgot everything and everyone. I have no idea why she decided to try this with me but I know I'm in it for the long run. She's my everything now. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I was taking her out today and I was nervous as hell.

Do you think taking ice cream during harmattan is healthy?...hah fuck it

I got up from my bed stretching my aching muscles. My stomach grumbled in protest. I've not eaten anything since I woke up and I dreaded walking down stairs and facing my mom. I'm sure she was going to bombard me with questions about Ella and I really wasn't ready to hear anything she had to say.

Just sitting and having a conversation with her made me feel sleepy.

Dragging my feet to my bathroom, I showered, shampooed and washed my hair. I decided to let it towel dry instead of using my hand dryer. I knew Ella liked my hair, not trying to be cocky but I liked that she liked it too.
I wasn't blind to my looks. I knew I wasn't ugly. But all my life it's always been about my looks. People only see the pretty face and not what lays beneath. But not her. She literally tore down my walls and appreciated me, believed in me when no one did. And if that isn't something I should hold onto I don't know what is.

I got out of the bathroom and unplugged my phone checking if I had any messages.
I don't really talk to anyone apart from Isrealla, then of course there's the class group chat. Sometimes Sam texts me too and we goof around but that's it.
I don't even have snapchat or Instagram.

Ella called me boring and said I have no social life but who cares. I hate people and I don't think having a social media account is going to make me hate them less.

Moving towards my wardrobe. I pulled out my outfit for today. A black henley, and blue washed ripped jeans. I grabbed my black hoodie from my desk chair and got my car keys from my bed side table.

Giving my room a once over, dark grey walls to match my mood. My unmade bed adorned with white and black silk sheets because sleeping is my hobby and why not do it like a king. Posters of my favorite marvel characters above my bed cause am secretly a superhero dork. I mean have you seen how hot the black widow is.

Running my hands through my slightly damp hair, I sit on the edge of my bed and put on my socks then my air force 1's.

My room literally looks like a dump but no worries I'm going to clean it up when I get back. I shove my wallet and keys in my pocket and rush down the stairs ready to leave this prison called a house but I guess I wasn't fast enough cause my name was called by none other than mommy dearest.

Lord why me

"Were are you going Munir." I slip on my hoodie over my head and adjust it over my body before mumbling my response.


My mom let out a grunt of dissatisfaction.
"Out?... out to were...since when do you go out?." She was literally attacking me right now.

"Somewhere mom, am going somewhere and yes I don't go out but people change. If you were observant you would have noticed these changes but I guess ignoring the world and caring about yourself is your priority not even your son." I didn't let her get another word out before I was out the door, slamming it shut behind me. I moved briskly, heading towards my black mini hummer jeep wrangler.

I loved my baby.

Hopping in, I automatically connect my bluetooth to the speaker and call Ella.
I tell her am on my way to pick her up and she literally screams at me for not telling her I was coming sooner.

I laughed as I ended the call. I turned on the ignition and drove through the gates recalling which way the driver took  yesterday.

I couldn't wait to see my other baby.

Ok let's not tell her that.....

Author's note

Yes i know this is short but my phone's been acting up.
I promise to try and update the rest tomorrow so please bare with me😩😭😭

Thank you my lovelies

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