chapter sixteen

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During afternoon prep it rained pretty heavily outside,so during night prep it was pretty chilly. Our class monitor made sure to close all the doors and windows so it was warm inside the class. Everyone was occupied apparently.some had there faces shoved in a book and others had their tongues  stuffed inside other things.ewwww......

You see I never got to talk about the roles my classmates play in this class so let me straighten everything out for you guys.

Ola is our oh so meticulous and controlling class monitor.who likes and wants everything to be done perfectly and his way. His a smart kid I give him credit for that part. But he could be really annoying when he wanted to be.

Amanda is his assistant. She's a combination of shyness and intelligence. She tends to keep to herself but also plays her part in keeping the class in order. And as you know she's Medina's English project partner and the best one at that.

Then there's Tobi. The so called hunk of the class,the dark and handsome athlete,the epitome of manliness. BARF.
Practically all the girls swoon over his looks. His large arms,his broad chest and shoulders.His muscular and athletic legs which has been greatly improved according to Medina by consistent training and football practices.And let's not forget that he is the captain of said football team. And you all know what happens in highschool's with your stereotypical jock. The girls all go crazy for him. He was cute I'd give him that credit. He had that Micheal b jordan thing going on for him well he was'nt as muscular but hey am not good with descriptions ok.

So moving on,we have Sarah the chubby bitch that's always looking for ways to grate on my nerves. Sarah is actually a good looking girl with her dark brown eyes,black natural hair,plump pink lips and cute chubby cheeks. But she ruined the whole fine girl vibe by been a pain in the ass. Sarah has two friends or should I say followers. Tomiwa and khadijat who i would have said were worse than her if only they didn't follow her like lost puppies.

Then there was khadijat also known as khady baby.A major bitch if you'd ask me.shes one of Sarah's dumb minions and I'm not lying when I say she's dumb. But if you looked past her stupidity she was also beautiful. She had that hour Glass shape with a flat tummy and fine set of legs going on for her. But all that was useless because if that girl opened her mouth you would feel like stapling it shut, literally.

She was major gossip,always sticking her nose in other people's buisness and running to go tell Sarah.what a snitch.

Next up is Tomiwa olorundare. Also known as Tomi baby or slay mama as everyone called her. She was Tobi's girlfriend apparently and he was very protective of her. He treated her like she was some diamond jewelry and he was a power hungry pirate guarding his treasure. They actually looked cute together to be honest but I really felt bad for him though. Remember when I told you that Sarah was a pain in the ass. Well Tomiwa was a harpon in the ass. When she gets stuck in,she drags you with her untill the pain is so unbearable you'd have to yank her out.ouch.
Well not in Tobi's case though. The guys so pussy whipped he can't even make a decision without asking her. Whether it's what he's eating or whether he's hanging out with his friends. She always gets in his way. Whatever her pussy is made of it sure has him hooked.

Then there was Samuel. He was one of Tobi's friends and a close one apparently. They were both in the schools football team and major heart-throbs according to the girls. Sam was lightskin in colour and he had a nice physique too.well I didn't have a problem with him cause he also hated Tomiwa and her gang of friends and never failed to show it. What I didn't like about him though was that he was a rough player and he sometimes made rude comments about Munir who in turn just ignores him completely. Thank God for that.

So back to the present. I'm currently trying to endure another episode of having to watch Tomiwa and Tobi suck faces and act all lovey-dovey with each other while cuddled up in a chair as I wait for the arrival of my English partner who was supposed to be here 30minutes ago. My gaze shifted to poor ole Sam who had disgust written all over his features and his mouth in a snarl.He shoved his face back in the book he was reading,after eyeing them one more time. I chuckled lowly into my turtle neck.Well I guess its a good thing am not the only one uncomfortable by having to witness this horrifying scene. Hell I bet others are just as  uncomfortable but don't just want to talk so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

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