chapter thirty six

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Finally figured out a ship name for my babies *Murealla*

I feel so smart right now🤣🤣

I gulped visibly and my palms were starting to sweat as he approached me. It was like he was intentionally walking very slow to taunt me or something. When he finally stood in front of me I breathed in his familiar scent of Axe and after shave. He leaned till his forehead was pressed against mine and I exhaled shakily, closing my eyes and relishing the feeling of being close to him. I really can't believe he's here. Right in front of me. I wanted to kiss him. Badly.

I opened my eyes to see him already looking at me. He's large hands moved to my waist and lower back, pressing me to him. I'm sure by now he could feel my heart hammering in my chest.
My palms came to rest at the lapels of his jean jacket, clutching it like a lifeline.
"I love this dress." he leaned down to my ear and mumbled, minty breath fanning my cheek and making me heady. I wanted to reply him but my mouth kept opening and closing like a dumb fish out of water so I just kept shut, Watching as amusement danced in his eyes at my lack of speech. But you really can't expect a girl who had a guy as hot as this wrapped around her to form coherent sentences.

Gone was the amusement that was in his eyes and in it's place something darker which I could only describe as lust and longing and then I felt soft lips press against mine. My lips parted on their own accord, moving in sync with his as we practically drank each other in. My hands which were once on his chest moved to his neck then into his gorgeous hair tugging at the curly tresses. He groaned his approval as his hands which were once on my waist moved to my sides rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs and igniting flames in my body .

A beautiful sensual dance between two

I felt his hands move lower to my thighs and without breaking the kiss I was hoisted upon the cold kitchen counter my legs on either side of his body.

He nipped gently on my lower lip. Sucked it between his mouth and released, only to nip at it again. I moaned in pleasure as heat pooled deep in my belly but then something in me snapped and I knew we had to stop before someone walked in on us. I wasn't ready to face the wrath of my grandparents or his mother for that matter. We just started dating and I was too selfish to jeopardize what we had for my own needs. I pulled away first, breathing harshly, my hands tangled in his hair. I dared a glance at him through my lashes and the most dazzling smile I've ever seen was pulled at his lips which were slightly swollen from our recent rendezvous.

"I've been waiting to do that since I got here. I missed you my cocoa butter." He spoke. His voice still husky and deep from lust.

"I've missed you too." I replied back running my hands through his soft hair and my baby closed his eyes. Enjoying the feeling. He always loved it when I did that.

" I love it when you touch my hair." Told ya.

I giggled and pushed at his chest feeling the muscles jump underneath. I Hopped off the counter and walked towards the sink. Before I fell into temptation and kissed him again.

" I'll wash you dry." I said meekly, smiling sheepishly at him. Seriously Isrealla this isn't the first time you have kissed him and now you want to act all shy.

" And then we can continue what we started." He said reaching for my waist. I gasped pushing him away.

" Munir! Stop jorh." I warned. Flicking water from my fingers at his face.

"okay-okay fine I've stopped." He laughed that sweet laugh of his that makes my heart thump everytime I hear it.

"I just like seeing you blush and act innocent, it's cute." He teased grabbing the rinsed dish from my hand and towel drying it.

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