chapter eleven

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Classes rolled by swiftly and it was almost time for lunch. Rolake came to ask me if I knew my way cause she had to go the computer lab with her classmates to print out their assignments.
Which of course,left me alone all by myself.

I already knew sooner or later that she wasn't going to always be with me everytime. But then again I couldn't help but feel sad though.

I sat on the pavement in front of our class as I watched the senior students interact.

Some were chasing each other down,some loitered the block in groups,others in two pairs boy and girl, probably dating.

I sighed as I watched them,would there be a time when I'll also be in some kind of group.

I don't want that....I like been on my own, although it's lonely,'yes'  but it's better than staying with people you barely know and won't even blink an eye while they stab you in the back.

So definitely no group for me......

As my mind wandered off to a million places I failed to notice that I was been graced with someone's presence untill my name was called.
"Huhhhh".I jerked to reality. My gaze fell on a very amused Medina.

"Can I sit?". Was she asking for permission to sit next to me.

I nodded in response though,me staring at her would only seem rude. She smiled bashfully as she seated herself on my right hand side.

"Why are you alone?" She asked,

"My sister had something to do." A look of understanding crossed her features.

"What about Anna, isn't she your friend?" She asked,gesturing towards were Anna stood with a bunch of guys from my class and the neighboring class.

" We haven't established that yet,but I'd like to think she is." I finished,smiling genuinely at her.
She nodded again in understanding.

"Well I'd like to be your friend too,if you would let me." I looked towards her.
Medina was really beautiful,if she'd get rid of that hideous skirt and had a little makeover she'd be a heart throb.

I wasn't trying to be offensive though

"Of course,I'd like that." Well we got to talking and she explained how the school system worked more. Even better than when Rolake did. She told me her dorm was lilac,but it wasn't a problem for both of us,so she could visit and we could go for activities together to make things easier for  us.Me especially.

As she babbled on,my eyes caught a set of light brown ones. He hasn't looked up yet but am sure if he feels my eyes on him he will.

I quickly tore my gaze from him and turned to Medina."who is he?" I blurted.

She froze, probably from confusion untill I jabbed a thumb in his direction.

" That's Munir". She answered quickly,she was going to continue her explaination and I wasn't interested in i quickly added.

" Why is he sitting alone?". I mean look at him,he's what someone would call beautiful. I would call him beautiful. From his hair to his lashes,to his nose and to his pink lips. I sighed internally. I could stare at him all day.

But seriously though, people are supposed to be swarming him. I mean who wouldn't want to get some of that.

" He repeated this class,twice ." She answered,cutting off my daydreams.

Well I wasn't expecting that.

I quickly tore my gaze away from him when I noticed he was turning around.

"What happened?". I mumbled to myself but Medina heard me.

" People say he's just not serious with his studies,others say he's probably on drugs ...but that's not the worse part" she paused inhaling sharply. We both turned to look at him at the same time as she continued.
" They say he has been to jail multiple times." I froze. What could he have possibly done to be sent to jail.

" Why..whyyy was he in jail". I asked cautiously.
" They say he brutally raped a girl." My eyes widened as they turned to her then back at him.
It felt almost impossiple,infact the thought of him raping someone was preposterous,he didn't look at all like someone who would do something that cruel. But then again they say looks decieve.

As if he sensed someone watching him,he looked up and caught my gaze,a scowl merring his beautiful features. My breath Hitched in my throat from his intense stare. His eyes although cold and emotionless held so many secrets,it was like a brewing storm behind them.

I was raped before,I've looked into the eyes of a rapist before, but he's eyes were nothing like that,his eyes weren't like the ones I've seen hunt my dreams almost every night before I went into therapy.

The storm behind his eyes though drew me me in,sucked me deep in their abyss untill I was left almost breathless.

When he noticed I didn't look away,his scowl deepened as he tore his gaze away and the trance was broken.

"Ella." Medina called " he's bad news Ella."

I nodded my head in agreement but my mind said otherwise.
My mind was willing to unravel the mystery behind munir's eyes. And it would succeed.

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