chapter thirty

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The moment we got back to class we found it completely empty, which means everyone had gone to eat their lunch. My stomach grumbled violently. I placed a hand on it to try and stop it from making other embarrassing noises but it wasn't cooperating.

Stupid stomach.

But I couldn't really blame it.
I had denied it real food since last night, only eating junk and sweets. Which I knew wasn't healthy. However I had been muling over my parents so I totally forgot and neglected myself.

I just hoped Munir didn't hear my stomach roar cause that would be really weird and embarrassing.

I walked over to my seat in search of my back pack but it was nowhere to be found. Panic rose in my chest, my heart thundered against my rib cage as I thought of all the possible scenerios of my bag getting misplaced.

Shit... My drawings were in there, this can't be happening.

"What is it?" Munir had already packed up his things and had slipped his camou jacket on to cover his body to my displeasure. I couldn't help that i liked looking at him.

Wow Ella, way to sound like a total creep.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and spoke "I can't find my bag, but I could have sworn I left it here in class. " I mumbled the last part, my eyes darting round the class in search of the dark backpack. He's brows furrowed in thought and I couldn't help but admire how trimmed and filled they were.

"Maybe your friend Medina took it, isn't she in the same dorm with you?" It was the best theory for the missing bag though. I just hope it was her. If not I would literally burn down this school to find it.

I nodded my head repeatedly in response. "I really hope she's the one, I have some really important stuff inside. "
Instead of replying me he grabbed a hold of my wrist making my eyes widen for a second from the gesture. He grinned at my reaction and tugged me out of the class.

"Come let's go, let me escort you to your gate. " I was still reeling from the feeling of his skin on mine to form a coherent sentence so I just bobbed my head up and down and let him lead me. He continued to surprise me when he let go of my wrist and entwined our fingers. If I was reeling then well now I was absolutely going to faint.

I held onto his hand firmly as to avoid dropping to the floor and nervously played with a loose strand of my hair. If he noticed I was nervous he didn't comment on it. I felt his thumb rub soothing circles on my hand making me instantly relax.

When he said he would escort me to my gate. I didn't know he meant literally.
I mean when we walked past the sergeant he didn't even spare us a glance. The only movement he made was to salute Munir and then he was back to his stoic stance.

Well I guess one of the perks of being the owners son was you get to do whatever you wanted.

But I didn't want him getting in trouble with his mother so I stopped moving making him turn to look at me.
"You should probably head back now I can take it from here." He didn't argue with me and just nodded his head.

" I'll see you in class right?" I was hoping I would get to see him because he was hardly ever in class during afternoon prep.
He once again surprised me for the uptenth time today as he smiled and said "I'll be in class. Promise" I didn't want to look eager but I was sure as hell looking forward to seeing him so I just mumbled and 'okay', then I walked away after waving him off.

When I got back to the dorms I couldn't stop the smile that graced my face. Munir was really doing something to me. And I enjoyed it immensely.

As I entered my corner I sighted my backpack on top of my bed and sighed in relief. I was about to flop first first on my bed when I heard a loud screech behind me. I covered my poor eyes quickly, getting ready to shout at Medina but she already beat me to it as she started talking.

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