chapter thirty one

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I opened my lids slowly, allowing my eyes to adjust to the bright florescent light bouncing off the walls of my dorm room.
Reaching my hand underneath my pillow I pulled out my wrist watch to check the time.

It was 4am already. I had to start getting ready.

It's been two to three months since I came to this school which means we were vacating first term soon. We had started exams last week and today we were writing our last paper which was civic education.
They always saved the simplest for last.

It's also been a long time since Munir and I had any form of interaction. He had started hanging out with Samuel and his friends including Tobi. It was as if they never even fought at all. I wonder how boys just always seemed cool with each other even after a spite.

The only time I saw him was during night or after night prep. He would escort me to my hostel and then go back to his.

It went on like this until we started exams. After exams had begun he would just disappear, only coming to write his paper and leave after.

It was really starting to grate on my nerves. I honestly had these conflicting feelings and emotions about the guy and he was basically MIA all the time.
After weeks of thinking and deliberating I finally came to a conclusion that I liked him. Alot. And I had a feeling he did too.

It's not like am trying to be cocky or anything but according to what I heard Munir doesn't interact or waste his time on girls or people at all. But that changed after we met. I've never seen him as comfortable anywhere as he is with me and that's why am wondering why he's basically ignoring me again. Or maybe he doesn't actually like me back and am just been naive and hopeful, thinking about him and getting myself worked up about nothing.

I sat up on my bed groaning softly as my shoulder muscles protested. They have been hurting really badly for a while and Medina had made me promise to go to the clinic to get it checked but just the thought of going to a hospital whether it was just a sick bay or not made me uneasy. I sure as hell wasn't going anywhere.
Reaching my hand towards my shoulder I massaged the skin there slightly moaning as pain shot through my body. I let my hand fall back on my bed and headed towards the showers. Rolake had stopped coming to wake me up since I could do it on my own now. So I had gotten used to showering alone even if there wasn't a single soul there.
I kind of found solace in the silence.

After my shower I met up with Medina in her hostel and then we walked together to our classrooms after having breakfast.

Munir had walked majestically into the class while we were 20 minutes into the exam. The fucking bastard didn't even look in my direction at all...

Idiot... I huffed in frustration and ducked my head lower on my desk and finished my paper. When I was done I submitted and walked out waiting for Medina to finish hers.
Once again he walked out a few minutes after me and blantantly ignored my entire existence.
Okayyyyy so that how it's gonna be huh....I shook my head at his retreating back. Why do I even bother.

When Medina was done we strolled and talked for a while about anything and everything to pass time. I was glad she never once mentioned his name in any of our conversations.

After seeing him today my mood had altered completely so I decided I was going to skip lunch and sleep away my anger and there was also that nagging pain in my shoulder.

Medina didn't object when I told her I was missing lunch and followed Amanda to the dining hall after seeing me off to the hostel gate.

The moment my head hit my pillow I was off to sleepville. Sometime between my slumber Medina had come to wake me up to eat and tell me she was going to the students common room for movie night. This was always a Friday night occurrence but I never attended, instead I lounged on my bed with a new book to pass the time.

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