chapter seventeen

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"Medina..." I whined as she pulled and tugged at my hair. It was sunday and after Mass I decided to get my hair braided.So we were currently in her corner and she was not a nice hair dresser at all.
"If you don't stay still I'll keep dragging it. And it's you that will suffer". She chided.

I pouted and turned around. " when are you going to finish". She jerked my head back in place and mumbled a 'soon'.

The chair was really uncomfortable and I've been sitting for hours. Medina started rambling about our classmates. The latest breakup and hook up. The latest fight and so on. I piped in from time to time. I knew she was just trying to pass the time so I would be distracted till she was done.
But seriously my head hurt like hell. Nothing could distract me from that.
"Were is the rubber ring". she stretched her arm over my shoulder. I picked the rubber band and placed it in her hand. She immediately got to work on packing my hair and plaiting the tip.
"All done". I nearly leapt for joy after hearing those two words.
I got up from the chair and stretched my limbs till I heard the satisfying cracks. I strolled to the full mirror in the room to inspect Medina's masterpiece. She had plaited my hair in a center parted ponytail,using the rubber band to complete the look by rolling my long curls in a tight bun in the middle of my head. It was really neat and beautiful.

"Do you like it". She asked from her place on the bed.

"Are you kidding,I love it?". I beamed.
"Even though your hand hurts like hell". I mumbled accusingly, walking back to her corner and perching myself on her provision locker. It was really big and High. She laughed at me and said something about me cutting my hair and joining her.

"No way,my grand Ma would skin me alive". She chuckled then stopped abruptly. Her face twisting in thought.
"What's wr.....?" I wanted to ask but was interrupted by Medina's screeching voice.

" You promised to gist me about your session with Munir" she flailed her arms in a dramatic way.I frowned at her, remembering my encounter with him last week.
"Oya gist me". She snapped her fingers in front of my face,gesturing for me to begin.

I sighed and decided to tell her. I told her about how he walked into the class soaking wet from the rain. And how he took off his clothes and got dressed in front of me.

"He changed his clothes in front of you". She shrieked and i flinched from the unexpected sound.

"Yes he did, but i turned around". She sighed after i told her i did'nt look at him.

I laughed at her expression "Dont worry my eyes are still virgins". She glared at me. He full lips in an ugly grimace.i laughed harder.

She slammed a pillow in my face "its not funny you idiot". She slammed it again but this time i used my arm as a sheild and snatched it away from her.

"Will you let me finish my story or should i go back to my corner?". I quirked a brow,challenging her.

She kissed her teeth and gestured for me to continue. I mumbled an exagerrated thank you and went on with my story.

I totally forgot how dramatic Medina could be sometimes and when i told her about Munir's threat. Her reaction was pretty much unexpected.

She nearly slammed her head into her upper bunk as she jerked to a sitting position. "He threathened to rape and kill you". She exclaimed her eyes bulging out of their sockets. I slapped a hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing at her horrified expression but it was too much and she looked absolutely ridiculous staring at me like i had grown a second head.

"Isrealla stop laughing,this is serious". She frowned,her lips curling in distaste.

"Will you chill out,its not like he's actually going to rape me and kill me in this school......" Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as she gave me a disbelieving look.

"Besides,if he does actually rape and kill me you can avenge my death since you already know its him". I grinned sheepishly earning myself another thunderous glare from the petite girl sitting upright on the bed. She was trying really hard at intimidating me. But it was useless because she looked like a harmless,hungry puppy who was mad at it's owner for not feeding it lunch. I burst out laughing as the thought of Medina owning a collar with her name on it,as i fed her a bone shaped candy popped into my mind.

"Isrealla be serious for once in your life,you don't know this boy,you have no idea what he's capable of". She snapped.

It was my turn to frown at her.

Why do people always degrade the guy so much?, its not like they have actually witnessed him killing or raping anyone. I could'nt help but feel a little angry. They had not right to judge a person without fully knowing him. It just does'nt work that way.

" Medina nothing is going to happen. Munir is not a killer or a rapist". I mumbled. Dropping down from her locker to pick her stuff that were scattered all over the floor in her corner. For someone who was a clean freak this was really a suprising sight. Might aswell help her pick her stuff up.

"How can you be so sure?". She argued back.

"Medina iv'e looked into the eyes of a rapist before and i can tell you that he is not a rapist". I snapped my mouth shut the moment i realised what i just said.

Shit.......she's not going to let me live this one.

" What do you mean?". She asked curiously,her brown eyes narrowing into slits.

Shit this bad.

"Uhmmmm....." I stuttered unsure of what to say. I could'nt tell her about what happened to me before. I could never. The thought of relieving those memories made me almost choke on air.I bit the inside of my cheek as i thought about what to say to her.

"My parents are lawyers Medina,i go to some of their cases. What did you think i meant?". I scoffed, I wasn't completely lying. I did go to watch my parents in action and iv'e seen quite a few people incriminated.

"Ohhh,i totally forgot that your parents are lawyers". She looked a little embarrased. Poor baby.

I walked towards the bed and motioned for her to scoot over. She gathered her duvet towards her feet to create space for me.

I plopped next to her,our shoulders brushing. "You see that's the more reason why you should'nt worry about me". I pinched her cheeks making her swat my hand away.

"Because only a stupid person would rape a lawyer's daugther." I laughed bitterly. But I guess she didn't notice cause the petite girl just snorted. I felt a huge lump in my throat as i mumbled a 'yeah' in response.I could'nt talk because i did'nt trust my voice at the moment. If only she knew how possible it is.

I felt something cold touch my earlobe,making me jerk out of my thoughts. I turned my head to the side to see Medina hand me the left piece of her ipods. I fixed it in properly and adjusted my body on the bed so i would'nt drag it and pull hers out.

Bellyache by billie eillish blasted through the speakers,drowning my thoughts and dragging me through a blissful state of peace and serenity.
In other words sleep.

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