chapter fifty four

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Thump thump...

I stared up at the grey sky which reflected my tumultuous thoughts. My chest ached with an unbearable pain.

I was suffocating. I was drowning. I was tired.

Thump thump...

It had seemed as if everything was moving perfectly. The calm before the the storm they say.

Thump thump....

Just yesterday I had told the boy of my dreams that I loved him and we kissed under the sunset.

Thump thump....

And today I was heading back to root of my misery. My pain. My sadness.

I was heading back to the states.

**10 hours earlier**

Today is was last day of our examination. Finally all that was left for us to worry about was prom and graduation. Everything was finally back to normal.

Munir and I were back together stronger than before. It was so surreal if you asked me. I was so sure that we wouldn't be able to pick up the pieces of our relationship that I ruined that seeing him here right next to me felt like a dream.

I still haven't told him about what happened to me in Canada but I was going to today.

I had already planned everything out with Medina's help of course. I had told her last night that he and I were back together and she was so happy for me.
I decided that I would trust her and tell her everything too and so I did. It was hard for me but I knew I needed to do it. And I didn't regret my decision in telling her. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. Telling someone else who wasn't my family or my therapist was actually stress relieving. That's why I knew I had to tell Munir too. I owed him that much.

I wanted a clean slate this time. No more secrets, no more lies.

"Hey.....what are you thinking about." Munir snapped his fingers in front of me to get my attention. My eyes refocused on his handsome face and I smiled a little.

"I promise to tell you later don't worry." He's eyes narrowed in suspicion but he didn't press on the subject.

"Where's medina?" I asked quickly changing the topic.

"She's with Tobi. They went on a stroll."

I hummed and absently played with his fingers in my lap feeling a sense of calm wash over me. He pulled me into he's chest and playing with my twists while humming a random tune.

"Ella..." He trailed off. I hummed an answer to tell him he had my attention even though his hands on my head made me want to just sleep.

"Will you be my date to prom?." My head rose from he's chest to look into his beautiful honey eyes. He was tracing my features with his gaze as if imprinting it into memory.

I did the same too. As if it would be last time I would see his dazzling eyes and sharp features.

"I would love...." My sentence was cut off immediately by Medina who looked out of breath like she ran all the way here, Tobi right behind her.

I laughed at my hesterical best friend. She was always so dramatic.

"Medina what are you...."

"Your parents are here." She blurted out cutting me off. 

I don't think I heard her right. Did she just say my parents were here;

I laughed again but this time it was humor less.

"Stop joking Medina my parents are half way across the world." She frowned but stated more firmly.

"I'm not joking Isrealla come see for yourself." Ok she was serious.


Munir noticed my distress and held my shoulders as I rose to my feet.

"I can come with you if you want." I sighed in relief and nodded my head instantly. I needed him.

I distinctly heard Medina say let's all go together but my ears were buzzing and I couldn't possibly wrap my head around the fact that my parents were here in my school.

Why were they here?

As we arrived at the principal's office which was empty except for us and the two imposing figures across the room, it was like I was hit with a wave of nostalgia.

There my mom was standing in a crisp white suit ensemble. Her hair was styled into a tight ponytail and her red lipstick perfectly matched her bag and shoes. My dad was standing right next to her with a dark blue suit on, his dark shoes polished and shiny.

They looked strange yet familiar and somehow older but not with age but stress.  How long has it been since I last saw them?

My mom immediately approached me and pulled me into a hug. She smelled the same. Warm and homely.

When she pulled away I noticed her calculative gaze were on Munir and my friends but they didn't stray for too long before her attention was diverted back to me.

My dad came in next and pulled me into a hug. After all pleasentries were exchanged the air suddenly turned tense and somber.

My hands immediately searched for my anchor. My comfort. The only person I needed. And like as if he knew I was looking for him his warm hand wrapped around mine tightly. An assurance. He was here still.

"What's going on." I finally had the courage to ask. My mom looked sad and weary and my dad he just looked as if he had been through hell and back.

My mom was about to speak but then looked at my boyfriend and my friends again. As if unsure if she should say anything in front of them. She was about to dismiss them I knew it, so I immediately cut in.

"Whatever you want to say mom say it. They stay." I asserted leaving no room for argument. My gaze was hard and unrelenting.

She sighed and began;

"Isrealla your case has been reopened. New evidence has been found. Your friend charliey was behind everything."

No, no, no, nooo....

This can't be happening. Not now, not when everything was finally ok.

Tears fell from my eyes in rivulets and I let them. Munir was rigid by my side but didn't say a thing. I knew a thousand questions were swimming in his head right now.

I was supposed to tell him everything today. We were going to be okay again.

God please this can't be happening to me..

"We have to go back home Isrealla. We have to go back to Canada." My mom had both hands on my shoulders as she made her point known. I had to leave Nigeria.


Author's note


Please don't kill me guys I'm sure you're absolutely tired of all the plot twists but don't worry everything will fall into place soon. I just have to fix a few loose ends.

I'm sorry if you noticed any plot holes. I'm just tryna finish the sad chapters and move on as quickly as possible to the good stuff so i can finish the book by the end of the week. You guys have waited long enough and I already promised I would finish up and I'm going to keep my word this time.

Please bare with me my babies😊💝


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