chapter thirty four

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I flopped face first unto my bed.
My skin prickled with goosebumps still slightly wet from the shower. Gripping my towel to my chest I smiled sheepishly at my phone screen as I read Munir's text.

Honey eyes🐝💞: hope you didn't drown?...🙄

Me: why would I?

I clicked send watching as the three dots danced around for a second below before a message appeared.

Honey eyes🐝💞: do I know for you... You were in there for like 30 minutes😒
Who takes showers dat long during this cold season?

Me: I do😎

Honey eyes🐝💞: mami water😒

I reread the message over again as I laughed at his cheekiness.
It's being four days since we vacated for the Christmas holidays and Munir and I have being calling, texting and facetiming every chance we got.
I could feel our relationship growing into something more and as much as it excited me a part of me still felt scared.

But I was willing to pursue whatever this is even if it meant getting hurt again.

Another notification popped up at the top of my screen and I clicked on it.

Besttt🥂❤️: hey bitchhh!

My cheeks hurt from smiling too much as I quickly typed in a reply to Medina.

Me: Medina is that how to greet somebody 🙄

Besttt🥂❤️: 🤣🤣sorry ma..good afternoon

Me: 😄😌 ehen how are you my daughter.

Besttt🥂❤️: see this goat ohh...who is your daughter 😒🚶🚶🚶

I laughed as I placed my phone on the dresser and started rubbing lotion on my  already dry skin. My phone pinged once again with a notification and I picked it up.

Honey eyes🐝💞: wyd baby?

My cheeks burned from the term of endearment. And I typed quickly

Me: getting ready to make dinner with grandma, apparently we are having a meal with old friends of hers. Wbu?

Honey eyes🐝💞: was about to start a game of FIFA but then my mom just told me we are going out😡

I giggled at that and typed quickly
Me: 🤣🤣🤭 sorry bout that babe.

Honey eyes🐝💞: are you laughing at me cocoa butter🤨

Me: no could I?

Honey eyes🐝💞: don't worry I'll get you for this......I miss you😪

I blushed at the text, butterflies fluttering in my belly. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I pulled on my favorite purple sweatshirt without the hoodie, joggers and some socks to keep my feet warm.

Me: I miss you too...

Honey eyes🐝💞: we need to set a date to meet ASAP

I was about to reply to that when my grandmother suddenly yelled my name as if it was the end of the world.

I looked back at my phone made a selfie of me sticking out my tongue at Medina then I went back to Munir and typed

Me: yes we should...we will talk about the details later ok...I have to go before grandma blows the house over with her yelling.

Honey eyes🐝💞: 🤣 I love your grandma... Ok sweety ttyl

I turned off my data after that and raced down to the kitchen to meet my grandma already fussing about.

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