chapter thirty two

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I have pictures of what the characters look like.. I might post it soon idk really. But if you don't need it you can always imagine the characters the way you like. It was just a suggestion 😊

When I first met Munir the first thing I noticed was his face.


Then his long fingers and his naturally pouted lips. I had always imagined and reminisced what they would feel like.
Taste like.

And right now as he held me close to him our lips in synchrony I realized my imagination was shit compared to the real thing.
As his hands roamed my body I shivered involuntarily, arching my back and pressing myself more into him, Munir responded by running his fingers along my spine, eliciting a low whine from me.

I never wanted this feeling to stop. Ever.

We weren't doing anything too scandalous but I was already trembling in anticipation. The pleasure from just a kiss too much for me too handle.

Munir suddenly drew back, before I could moan my protest I felt soft wet lips latch onto the skin of my neck making me moan lowly. Munir peppered kisses all over my throat, collar bone and then back to my neck finding the arc that met my shoulder. I shivered when he sucked causing him to smirk against my skin.
"I'm guessing that's your sweet spot" he whispered huskily against my skin. I was about to tell him to fuck off but my breath cut in my throat as he sucked, nibbled and bit at the skin there leaving me breathless and squirming in his lap.

How was he so good at this....

I didn't let the thought wander for long, too high on the bliss of his kisses to care. Instead I decided if I reacted this way towards him he must have the same reaction towards me also. It's only fair.

Running my hand through his hair I grabbed onto it pulling his head slightly so we were face to face then I kissed him once more. He responded immediately, but no sound came from him only heavy breathing and the sounds of our lips coming together.

Medina once told me when we were having boy talk that Nigerian boys hardly moan or make sounds during intimate moments. I asked why and she shrugged and said something about inserting dominance.
Well too bad. I was the one on top now. And I was going to make him moan for me. Releasing his lips, I did the same thing he did to me. Leaving wet kisses along his smooth jaw and throat. I noticed he was breathing more heavily now but apart from that nothing else. I decided to swallow my nerves and kick it up a notch, slipping my hands underneath his shirt from the back and running my fingers over his creamy skin to his chest and stomach. He groaned at the feeling, his hands tightening in my hair as I played with the elastic band of his boxer. I pulled at the material, letting it snap back. Munir groaned again making me smirk slightly against his throat and then that's when I noticed something twitching on my inner thigh and Munir's hot breath by my ear. He thrusted his hips into my thigh, letting me feel all of him. I gasped at the feeling of his hardness and the emotions it evoked inside me. Emotions I've never felt before. Then latching onto my earlobe he whispered huskily;

"We should stop right now." My boldness disappeared immediately and I nodded eagerly as I chewed on my lip nervously.
He just felt so big I didn't even know what to think anymore.
Fuck I'm so stupid. I don't even know what I am to the guy and here I am practically humping him on my bed.

Munir noticed my silence and held onto my chin prompting me to look at him. Several emotions swirling in his dark eyes almost leaving me breathless with their intensity.
"Hey, I just want you to know that this was the best thing I have ever experienced in my life and I like you alot baby and I want whatever this is between us to work. I'm pretty messed up and I have a lot of baggage but if you will have me I'm yours." He finished searching my eyes to gauge my reaction.Was he asking me to be his girl friend?

Oh my, that was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever told me. I knew Munir was never an expressive person from the day we first met so him opening himself to me like this was really exhilarating. And I didn't want anything more than to be with him.

Pressing a quick peck to his lips I whispered;

"We are both a mess which makes it all the more better cause I wanna be yours too". His eyes shone with happiness and relief and then wrapped his arms around me, pressing my head to his chest and kissing the top of it. We sat like that just holding each other and not uttering a word. Our beating hearts speaking for us.

Sometime during the hug we had maneuvered and layed facing each other on the bed our hands intertwined in the middle. My eyes were growing heavy but I felt like if I closed them and woke up all of this would have just been a dream and this beautiful man wouldn't be here in front of me anymore, so I tried all my best to keep them open. But Munir noticed I was getting tired cause he then urged me to sleep telling me he wasn't going anywhere. So I closed my eyes, a smile on my face as I let the darkness consume me. But before I went in deep I felt the bed dip and a ghost of his soft lips on my forehead.

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