chapter nine

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Classes flew faster than I could blink. Rolake had come to get me during break time and we had gone to the stock shop.

We bought a few drinks and pure Bliss cookies to go. After that she showed me around for a while,taking her time to explain the routes I could follow to get to class,the dinning hall,the assembly hall and most importantly the school's library.

I hope they had interesting books though......

When break was over she accompanied me back to class before going to her own class.

After classes were over,we left the class premises and headed for the dormitories.

The dorm's consisted of three sections,lilac house, magenta house and crimson house for only ss3 students.
I'd have to give the school credit though. It's facilities we're pretty efficient and screamed quality.

Rolake informed me that all the shower heads were functional,and the laundry room had five washing machines which were also in good condition because of constant maintenance.

She also said it was optional to use the machines or hand wash your clothes. Which ever one suites you.

Well grandma taught me to hand wash my clothes so that wouldn't be a problem for me. Except I have a tendency to act lazy so the washing machines will do for now.

Crimson house...... That was the dormitory I was assigned too. Fortunately for me though,Rolake was also a member of the sorority. Which really helped on my part.

She assisted in setting up my bed and laying it with red sheets ,the hardest part though was arranging my provision's inside the wall lockers because they wouldn't fit properly and don't get me started on the itchy mosquito net.

I hated that shit.....

When we were done arranging,we wore our blue checkered house wears and headed to our classes for lessons.

As we strolled,I noticed that some students looking smaller than us, probably Juniors were running as if all hell had broken loose.

Rolake explained that were trying to go to thier classes early before the prefects caught them and punished them.

"You can punish them". I inquired,I was rather shocked at the information.

"Of course,if they do not follow rules,we have the right to put them in their place". She chirped,she looked rather proud about it.

I hummed in agreement. Pulling the straps of my bag higher on my shoulders,as we got to our classes.

Rolake turned towards me "what's the time? ". She asked.

I flicked my wrist and checked my gold studded wrist watch Grandma bought me. It was a Rolex brand. I would never get used to her sophisticated taste in expensive things.

" It's a little after 4:00". I repilied. She clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth as her reply.

Suddenly students started to pile up to get into class. A few of them stopped by to give Rolake either Pats on the back or handshakes as a greeting,but none even looked my way.

Well a few did but none approached.

I didn't know whether I liked that or not.

"Sis,it's time for prep. So I will see you later".

Prep? ...... As in preparation..

Well duh Ella,what do you think?!....

My subconscious spat.

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