chapter nineteen

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Book cover was made by noiraurum. I love you so much sweetheart 😁💓

Two weeks flew by so fast I could barely keep up. Lots of assignments, continuous assessment tests and practicals. I thought I'd breakdown already. I know what you're gonna say, am not supposed to be complaining since I've already been taught most of these topics in back Canada. Well that's true, but that also doesn't mean the Nigerian system of teaching is making it easy for me or any of us here.

We have really strict teachers who result to flogging and beating the shit out of you if you don't do what you're supposed to. So I do my best to avoid such. Which is stressful cause I have to complete my notes, assignments and other class related activities in order not to get myself flogged by some fat ass teacher.

Medina is no better. The girl looks tired most of time. She's been reading her ass off and trying really hard to keep up. She pays rapt attention in class, jots down notes. Hell we even study together. But her level of understanding is average. So she has to read and jack her ass of as they say here in Nigeria in order for her to Ace tests and other activities.

Munir. Well that's a conversation I do not want to dwell on. After the stunt he pulled last time I avoided him like the plague. I know what I said about trying to figure him out. Mind you,I still want to. But that doesn't mean I want to flunk because my mind is occupied by a brooding brown eyed boy with curly hair. He's so confusing.
He's hot this second, cocky the next and emotionless all of a sudden. It's really hard to keep up with someone like that. It's like his physically draining me. And that is not healthy at all. Not for me anyway. So now you know why I'm avoiding the gorgeous man. I do not need him distracting me from my studies. Because that's what I came here to do to. Study and make my parents and grandparents proud. I do not need them finding out that am losing concentration because of a boy. Grandma won't let me live that one. Infact she'd drag my ass down to my shrink to get my head checked. And I'm not joking, she'd literally drag my ass down there.

Am just glad it's Friday's been a long week and all I can think about is my bed and my fluffy blanket curled around me.  Even after I just left it, I can't wait to go back to the dorms to it's safety again.

Medina and I were on our way back from the dinning hall. Today we were served fried yam and eggs. Which was really delicious and satisfying to be honest. I took of the cap from my freshyo bottle taking a huge gulp. It was suddenly snatched from my hand from a choking Medina who took three huge gulps like her like depended on it. I laughed.

"Someone's thirsty". She sighed in delight handing me back the half bottle of yogurt.

" Seriously how will they be serving us yam and not top it up with drinks or even water . Mychewwww this school sef". She kissed her teeth making me laugh harder, my laughter dissolved into low chuckles after she threw me one of her infamous glares. I rose my hand up in surrender as my laughter halted completely. She was really cute when she was mad.

We went on with our journey to class untill I was dragged by Medina to the senior staff room windows with stained glass so we could look at our reflections and check for defaults.

Medina and I were on our sportswear today since Friday is our schools sports day. Our sportswears consisted of black  basketball shirt and shorts, the edges sewn with the colour of our houses. Mine been crimson and Medina Magenta. I had on a black body con turtleneck while Medina had on a white colour. I paired it up with black thigh high stockings, white ankle socks and my Nike converse. Medina had on my second pair with white knee length socks. We looked good honestly. Medina had trimmed her hair using one of our classmates clippers. Turns out our class boys have a talent for haircuts. She had fades at the sides while the middle was in a low Afro. My hair on the other hand was braided into twist locks. Of course Medina made them. They fell loosely on my shoulders, curling at the ends. When I moved my head slightly they moved too,  Tickling my neck.

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