chapter forty one

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My eyes blinked open staring at my white ceiling, light from the sun streamed through the gaps of my curtains and giving the room an eerie glow. A lazy smile crept up my face as I inhaled his sweet scent taking a fistful of his hoodie and bringing it up to my nose.

He was never getting this back that's for sure.

I got out of bed trudging to my bathroom doing my normal routine and getting out. Today grandma and I were going to go Christmas shopping and I couldn't wait. Stretching my stiff limbs I skidded to my bathroom to do my morning routine and then I chatted with Medina about our date and she asked for details to which I said I'll fill her in when we met, which I hoped was soon.

I also spoke to Munir after breakfast. He had facetimed me and we talked for a while about the tutoring classes we were supposed to have. Grandma told me she invited them over for Christmas dinner party she was throwing so at least I won't be surprised to see him in my house again.

So my Grandma and I went to the market with the house help were we bought and stocked up on supplies for both christmas and new year. It was exhausting but I got to spend time with my grandmother.

The days rolled by with more preparations going on and Munir and I facetiming and doing our school work and tutoring classes online. I missed him but I couldn't get out of the house even if I wanted to. My relatives had come over so it was a full house and I was getting acquainted with everyone.  Since I've not been around to Nigeria much, no one really knew me physically so I had to introduce myself. But the good part was that Rolake was here and I even met my uncle and Aunt Mr and Mrs Adeshina and Damilola Mowry.

Medina and I had an icecream date two days after I last saw Munir. Where I told her about what transpired between us. She gushed and made kissy noises and some other obscene hand gestures that I had to swat at her hands to stop her. The girl was mess sometimes. But I loved her even more for it.

So today was christmas day. I woke up feeling extra giddy and excited. I was going to see Munir during dinner, the thought alone made butterflies swarm in my belly. I sighed out loud as I got of bed. I skipped to the bathroom to brush my teeth, do my morning routine and take a a very hot shower since the weather was almost 20 degrees.

We were going to church at around 10 o'clock and I already picked out my Sunday clothes. It was a red long sleeve gown made of lace. It was slim fitting and flaired from my knees down. It wasn't much but it was beautiful and I liked it.

I picked a pair of black heels and a black clutch to match. For jewelry I picked out a pair of diamonds earrings and a necklace with a single diamond pendant.
I went with light make up on my face and nude lipstick on my lips.

When I was satisfied with my look I met with grandma downstairs and watched as she fired others to the caterers she hired for the preparation of the Christmas dinner tonight. My grandfather called her attention warning that we needed to leave before we were late for the service. She huffed out a complaint about getting high blood pressure and I smiled in amusement.

"Let's just go darling." Grand pa coaxed gently. Pressing his hands on her shoulders. She immediately leaned into him and relax making me almost awww in adoration at their public display of affection. They loved each other so much.

I wish I had that.

Thinking about love made Munir become the first thing that came to my mind.
I shook my head quickly to dismiss the thought.
I didn't love him. He didn't love me. We were just to horny teenagers. What do we know about love.
My brows furrowed as we entered the car and drove of the church. My thoughts a mess.

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I grimaced as I just had to endure another introduction to one of my grandparents business partners. I know I probably didn't mention that my grandparents own ttheir own company called Mowry enterprises but my uncle Mr Adeshina Mowry is the current CEO since my mom moved to the states an became a lawyer.

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