chapter twenty eight

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Okayyyy so this is like the longest chapter i have ever written before😪

Hope you enjoy it.... Don't forget to vote and comment please 🌠🌠

I hate them. I don't know if it's just me but there's just something sinister about that particular day of the week that riled me up.
Maybe it was because I had to wake up earlier than I normally did, or maybe it was because it practically screamed 'bitch the weekend's over' in my face , mocking me.

The sky was a dark grey equally matching my mood,the sun was nowhere to be found, probably hidden behind the fluffy clouds filled with water. It looked seconds away from pouring down on me and I wished it just would cause honestly, after seeing grandma yesterday I kind of felt really home sick and all I wanted was to be alone. So that was why I didn't even stay in the hostel immediately after my shower.

I left a note one my bed telling Medina to go to the dinning hall without me so she wouldn't worry. Cause knowing her she would definitely throw a fit if she didn't find me in my corner.

As I strolled languidly towards my classroom, my thoughts wandered back to my family.
I missed my parents so much it hurts. It may seem like these past weeks that I've been here, I didn't really bother about them, but that wasn't the case.
I did try getting in contact with them by asking my guardian Miss Faith for her cell phone. She was a secretary in the guidance and counseling department and she was a really kind woman, a free spirit is what I would define her as.
She never said no everytime I asked to call them. Never even complained about call credits.

But every single time I called they never answered and as expected it always went to voicemail. She would look at me solemnly, then give me a reassuring pat on the shoulder and tell me to come back and try later.
I would just smile awkwardly and thank her.
I knew she was just trying to make me feel better but it really hurt deep down.
Because no matter how much I tried to understand the reason why they couldn't contact me. I just couldn't find it.

And yes I knew how invested they were in their careers but what could possibly hinder them from taking even it's a 5 minutes break just to contact their daughter who just recently started getting her life back together.

I didn't want my thoughts turning dark because I promised my therapist and my grandma that I will get better and I am better. But these feelings and doubt eating away at my heart were inevitable. I needed their love, their support,their attention.
Sending me money and material things wasn't enough. I needed my family to be there for me even if they are miles away.
I know I might sound ungrateful. I had my grandparents and both of them were here for me and I really do appreciate them a lot . Other people don't even have parents to send them money or these things I seem not to care about.

But I just couldn't help what I feel. I am human after all.

I sighed deeply, shoving my hands into the pockets of my hoody. I scanned the block premises but couldn't find a single soul.


At least I'll have some peace and quiet in class before every one returns. Might even finish the novel I started reading last week.

I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets as the wind picked up and stung parts of my skin that were exposed. My foot wat just half way through the door when I heard hush whispering and giggling coming from inside my classroom.

What in the world......

All thoughts of been alone went out the window the moment in took in the sight before me.

Tomiwa Olorundare had her scrawny hands wrapped around Munir's shoulders as she whispered something in his ear. She was practically straddling his lap and for some reason my stomach churned at the sight. I felt my nose sting badly. I was already emotional after all the thoughts about my parents but this right here. Whatever it was that was happening between them just made me want to run into a corner and bawl my eyes out.

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