chapter forty nine

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My best friend has being acting strange ever since magdalene returned. It had gotten worse to the extent that she started to detach herself from everyone completely. She probably didn't notice but I did. I could see a far away look in her eyes whenever she thought I wasn't looking. It was like her body was here but her soul wasn't. It scared me to be honest.

That was why I asked her to talk to Munir. I didn't mean to offend her but she took it personally so fast. I have never seen her so angry before. And now she wasn't talking to me anymore. But I noticed she was always going to the library. I didn't bother finding out who she met with there because apparently she needed space from everything and I was respecting her wishes. I just hoped she was ok.

"Dina what's up? look upset." Tobi commented pulling me out of my thoughts.

After my fight with Ella, Tobi had come to comfort me. I was so angry I yelled at him too but instead of leaving me, he pulled me into hug and whispered reassurances in my ear. I don't know how he did it but he got to calm me down. And now we have been inseparable ever since. I really liked him but I was scared my feelings would never be reciprocated because he hasn't made a move on me romantically so as not to embarrass myself I've not made a move either.

"Nothing I was just thinking about our exams." I lied through my teeth. He looked like he wanted to ask me something else but kept he's mouth shut.

"Alright if you say so......." He trailed off.

"Medina i-" I looked up at him expectantly but he didn't say anything else. He just kept opening his mouth and closing it as if battling with himself.

"Spit it out joreh." I snapped already impatient. He was giving me a headache.

"'s about.......fuck why is this so hard." And now he was talking to himself. I looked at him like he has grown two heads. Is he going insane or something?.... Do I need to be worried.

Lost in thought I didn't notice him moving closer until his warm palm touched my cheek. I felt tingles spread across my skin and instinctively leaned into his hand and gasping. He looked into my eyes our nose's brushing slightly. I noticed he's lips were so pink at that moment. I wondered what they would feel like on mine

"We've been hanging out for a while now and I've been meaning to tell you something but I'm really bad at expressing myself verbally but I guess action speaks louder than words." Before I could question what he meant his lips clashed with mine. My eyes widened for a milli second before fluttering close completely. I was having my first kiss with Tobi.

Lord have mercy I'm going to faint.

His lips parted mine skillfully, sucking and nipping at my bottom lip. I didn't know what I was doing honestly so I just followed his lead. But it seemed he was enjoying it from the slight groans he was letting out. I wrapped my arms around he's neck not wanting to let go of this moment. It was the most incredible feeling ever.

When we pulled apart I was breathing heavily and so was he. But what did this mean. He kissed me? it means he likes me right.

" me?" I asked just to be sure. He nodded his head vigorously. Making me giggle like a maniac. Thank God no one was in class to witness this. If not I would have wished for the ground to open up and swallow me out of embarrassment. Why did I laugh like that na.....

"Does that laugh mean that it's not one sided." He inquired with an amused grin.
I smacked his forehead making him shriek like a banshee.

"Of course it does, what did you think it meant." A smile broke out onto he's face making me smile back.

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