chapter fifty seven

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I didn't dare look back.

That voice.... I would recognize it anywhere.

Was fate playing tricks on me now. Was the universe giving me a big fuck you for rebelling against my folks because this couldn't be happening.

I turned around slowly ignoring the looks my new course mates were sharing amongst themselves as they stared at him and I.

When I was facing him fully. I distinctly heard them saying they would catch up with me later but my ears were ringing painfully and I felt like I was drowning in my own sweat. My eyes roamed his face which was imbedded into my memory for years now. But my memory didn't do justice for the real thing. He had grown into what I could only describe as a mouth watering male specimen. My stomach fluttered as I gaped openly at him. Fuck me sideways.

My God, after all this time I still can't believe he could have this effect on me.

I needed to bail ASAP. I was a coward, I know. But I couldn't bare to face him after what I had done. What would I even tell him. What if he hates me. I mean I would hate myself too to be honest.

And so my coward self spun back around ready to bolt out of the school premises and back home but I guess I underestimated the fact that Munir's long legs could out run me even if I get a head start.

My elbow was caught before I could leave and my back was slammed into a hard chest. Damnnnn.... he's gotten muscular too. Just kill me right now.

He's hot breath fanned the side of my cheek and I shivered in delight "Running away again Isrealla?" My name rolled of his tongue like melted chocolate. Fuck I missed his voice. I missed him.

Ignoring him is going to be harder now that I've seen him.
I'm sure you're wondering why I hadn't seeked him out the moment I arrived back in Nigeria some months ago.

Well for one it's because I'm a bloody coward. I think I've mentioned that already. And then the second reason was because I didn't know how to find him. It seemed that he had also changed his phone number, his Instagram account was null and void too. I was the one in charge of it so I'm guessing he wanted to erase every memory that reminded him of me. Sigh....

After seeing that, I figured he didn't want to speak to me so I gave up searching for him. Even if it hurt me I'd give him his needed space. Maybe he even found someone again and had forgotten about me. But here I was ruining everything again.

Stop blaming yourself Ella it's unhealthy.

"Come with me." I was so lost in my stupid thoughts, I didn't notice him dragging me away.

I tried digging my feet into the ground in protest but the sharp glare he sent my way had me walking quickly behind him to keep up with his long strides.

"Where are we going?" I asked but he completely ignored me.

"Munir come on now." I whined like a little brat who always got away with everything.

He still didn't even look at me instead he kept pulling me untill we arrived at a black hummer jeep Wrangler that was literally glowing under the sun. He loves jeeps.

Not saying anything he opened the passenger door for me and gestured for me to get in. I tried catching his eye but he was looking away from me. His jaw ticking in anger. I wanted to ask what was wrong but I knew that would be a stupid question. Everything was wrong. And so I shut my whiny ass up and got in without complaining. He shut the door behind me.

"Seatbelt." He barked at me, eyes in front of him still. I did as I was told and sighed leaning back in the comfy seat. His car smelled nice. It smelled like him.

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