chapter fifty three

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Warning! there's some pretty dark stuff towards the end of the chapter. You'll know when you see it.....

It was official. I was depressed as fuck. I knew I was mentally drained from all the drama and every other thing that I've been through. But I didn't think it was this serious untill now.

But the good news is that the cause of my problems has finally been expelled.

When Khalil was taken out of the school earlier this morning rumors started to spread around about him being taken to the hospital because of a possible concussion but no one actually knew the full story.

No one except my friends and I.

As for Munir, he's mom had ordered the discipline master to put him under detention so as not to raise suspicion and more rumors about her being partial. Currently he was serving said detention and was no where to be found.

I wanted to speak to him today. But I don't know if he would want to talk to me. I had been the root of most of his problems. I didn't want to add more.

As I was still contemplating my decision to approach him, the sun was suddenly blocked from my view and a tall figure towered over my seated form.

It was Magdalene.

"Can we talk please." She asked sweetly. Urghhhh why couldn't she just be a raging bitch so I could hate her.

Instead of answering i moved over for her to seat beside me and she obliged.

"I know that I was the reason why you stopped talking to Munir so I'm hear to explain things to you and clear the air." She started.

I inhaled deeply and looked away from her. I already knew what she was going to say. Munir already explained everything to me and I knew it wasn't his fault. I had just overreacted and now my bruised ego couldn't take that I was wrong.

"We've been friends since diaper days and I've known him for a long time and not once have I ever seen him so into any girl. He mostly keeps to himself. He has been through so much and I don't even know if he has told you about what happened to him in the past.

But if he hasn't then there must be a good reason. I just want to let you know that I'm not a threat to your relationship. I only see Munir as a friend and brother. And I hope you can forgive me if I made it seem like I was trying to steal him away from you. It wasn't honestly my intention." As she finished, I let her words digest and a feeling of relief washed over me.  I guess I just needed to hear her say it.

Insecurities are a bitch.

And what was this about his past. Did he tell her and not me.

Stop being a hypocrite Ella........

"You can still make this work. Talk to him and he will listen to you Isrealla. He needs you." Tears stung my eyes as I heard her say the last part. Of course I wasn't the only one affected by this stupid break up. Munir was hurting too but as the selfish idiot I was I didn't even care. I only thought about myself. It's always being about me.

"Okay." I whispered to her to which she smiled and got up from her seat. She walked away leaving me to my turbulent thoughts.

I was going to fix this.


It was 6 o'clock when I had finally found him. He was stretched out across the empty basketball court, eyes trained on the sunset above. He looked so tired and stressed out. His once beautiful honey eyes were dark and somber. But that didn't stop him from being the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. He made looking depressed look good.

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