chapter forty six

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"Guy the weirdest thing happened to me this morning." I feigned ignorance barely holding back a grin as I listened to my bestfriend recount her encounter with Tobi. So he finally spoke to her. I actually thought he would chicken out. Guess he has balls after all.

"And so?" I asked not taking my eyes off my physics textbook.

"What do you mean and so? What if he's planning something to embarrass me. Because the mumu has never spoken to me before and all of a sudden he wants to share thoughts on the book I'm reading." she scoffed and leaned back on her chair, her full lips set in a pout.

I couldn't help it anymore. I laughed. To be honest I have never seen Medina so wound up before. Well apart from her normal annoying nagging sessions but this was different and new. Seeing her frustrated only gave me a strange sense of hope that maybe she did actually like the idiot.

"Medina seriously don't overthink it. The guy probably means no harm. Maybe he does actually want to be friends with you but since your pessimistic mind always seems to look at things in a bad light you have already painted him black." I mused my thoughts on the issue. Silence fell between us. Our classmates chatter became background noise. I turned to look at Medina to find her scowling at me. Shit!

" Are you seriously defending the guy who almost beat you up for trying to defend your boyfriend." She deadpanned. He features twisted in disbelief.

" I.... Uhmmmm... I'm not defending him per se, am just not trying to judge someone that is obviously trying to change. Besides he apologized for that so we're cool." I stuttered as I tried to reason with her. The bitch was scary when she wanted to be. She looked at me for a while but I could tell from the calculating look on her face she was actually considering what I was saying as the truth.

"Ehhh whatever let's stop talking about him I want to finish this chapter before our teacher comes." She dismissed. I chuckled lowly and was about to reply her when I felt my skin tingle. I looked across the classroom and met a pair of honey brown eyes locked on me. His lips tipped up into a breathtaking smile that made my heart beat faster in my chest. I was about to return the smile when I remembered what he did to me in that computer lab. I glared at him and kissed my teeth turning my gaze away. I heard the distinct sound of his laughter and rolled my eyes. He wouldn't be laughing when I get my hands on him. Stupid man-child.

"You and Munir are still beefing." Medina asked grinning like the cheshire cat. I looked at her in annoyance.

"Who is beefing with that one. I'm not angry ohh, but I must still get my revenge. He doesn't need to know that he's forgiven." We both high fived and giggled like hyena's. I can't wait to get him back for the stunt he pulled.

*. *. *. *. *.

"So what are you going to do to him apart from your plan for revenge sha." Medina inquired. I shrugged my shoulders and bit my lip. I wasn't going to tell her everything and besides it wasn't that serious I was just going to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"I'll gist you when I come back." She glared at me as she buttoned up the coat I was wearing and handed me my school bag with my clothes in it.

"You better do or I'll be hounding you till you tell me." She whisper yelled as she watched me creep like an inexperienced ninja out of the dormitory.

So after classes were over today I had commenced with my plan. You see Munir stays in the boys hostel yes, but he stays in what they call a prefect room. How he got his own space without being a prefect didn't surprise me. Being the proprietor's son and all.
So it was to my advantage that he had his own privacy. Medina and I had spoken to the sergeant that guards the boys hostel with the plan to bribe him so he would let me in tonight cause according to our research he was the most lenient, but I was shocked when he said Munir had ordered him to let me in if he was on duty that night. That boy will never ceased to amaze me.

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