chapter six

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     I woke up as early as five the next day. I took a long shower and brushed my teeth. The driver had already taken my suitcases down to the car.

As I dressed in my uniform, I stared longingly at my room which I have come to love so much.

My already make bed by the wall overhead one of my windows, My built in ward robe were all my clothes were neatly folded as they awaited my return,My dresser were all the novels my grandmother bought me were previously scattered but now inside my school bag.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I knotted my tie. Slipping in the silver pin with Marilyn engraved on it care fully and adjusting it.

I Bent over to adjust my stockings,lacing my black shoes. I won't lie,but this uniform really looks good. Thank God no beret came with it. That would be a total nightmare for me.

"Morenike!" My grandmother yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming ma".I yelled back,staring at my room again for the last time before I walked out.

I trugded down the stairs meeting my grandma halfway.

"What took you so long?". She asked

"We are going to be late". I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"But grandma it's just seven o'clock" I caught my self the moment she sent me a warning glare. She hates when her authority is questioned.

"Sorry ma". She gave me one final look as she walked all the way down to the door.

"You're acting as if you don't know Lagos traffic". She laughed. Making me sigh in relief.

I thought she was angry.

" E go shock you" she trailed off in the popular Nigerian language 'pidgin' as they like to call it.

I don't really get it. What's the thrill in cutting everything you say in English when you can just speak English itself.

Am just saying.

" Why are you walking behind me" she bellowed.

"Walk in front jare, see her pepeye". I quickly walked ahead of her ignoring the fact that she just probably insulted me in yoruba.

This woman will be the death of me.


Marilyn secondary school. The giant red gate read as the driver drove in,my grandmother sitting stiffly at his side as she spoke to my mother over the phone.

"Yes we just arrived".

"I know,I know".

She turned in her seat and gave me her heart stopping smile.

"She looks good in her new uniform,you need to see her". My grandma gushed out.
I pouted at her as I shifted my face to the veiw before me.

"No,once we get in we will ask of her. She needs to show Mo around the place". They were talking about my supposed cousin.whom I haven't met yet.

The car pulled into a stop  in what looked like a general parking lot as we all got out.

I stopped in my tracks as I stared at my reflection on the car window. I have gained a lot of weight I noticed. My cheek bones were more Accentuated,my lips their natural colour. And my dark skin was glowing probably because of the baby lotion grandma bought me.

"Mo". My grandma called. I turned to her.

"Come let's go". She said,holding her hand out for me. I adjusted the straps of my school bag as I walked towards her, clasping our hands together.

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