chapter fifty two

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Medina and I pulled back from our hug immediately we heard someone enter the classroom. It was Tobi and he was trying to tell us something but we couldn't understand him since he was still trying to catch his breath probably from running all the way here.

"Munir....." He trailed off catching my attention immediately.
He was still trying to complete his sentence when another person barged into the class again.

Oh God what's with everyone and barging in to disturb my peace. Can't I get some alone time around here.

"Isrealla you have to come quick to the boys hostel. Munir is trying to kill Khalil." She blurted out so fast I almost didn't hear her.


I stared at Magdalene like she has just grown two heads. What the hell is going on?

I didn't wait for them to follow. I bolted out of the class like my ass was on fire. I heard Medina yelling my name and footsteps thundering behind me but I didn't stop untill I was inside the compound and what I saw made me freeze in my tracks.

There was blood. So much of it.

I had always wondered why our blood had such a startling crimson colour. The way it looked dastardly against our skin whenever we were injured absolutely entranced me. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to become a doctor. I wasn't scared of a little blood. The sight didn't make me feel faint or make me sick like it did to others. But today I realized how much I was mistaken.

Munir was covered head to toe in blood and from the looks of it none of it was he's own. From the lifeless form of Khalil sprawled out on the floor I knew it was his.

My stomach churned and I turned from the sight and pucked all over the dry ground. Medina was immediately by my side stroking my hair. I could faintly hear her yelling at Tobi to get water but my body was numb and I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep.

But whenever I closed my eyes all I could see was red so I kept my eyes open instead. Water was poured on my head and the rest was given to me to rinse my mouth. When I was done I turned back around to see the crowd that had gathered around the scene had looks that ranged from shock, to distress to pity on their faces.

Munir was still standing next to Khalil's body motionless. Sam who I didn't notice before was right behind him trying to drag him away from the crowd but he didn't budge. He just kept looking at his bloody hands, a faraway look in his eyes.

"Munir...." My whisper was carried by the wind but I know he heard me once his head snapped up to look my way.

Honey brown eyes no longer looked at me with joy and happiness. Only resignation and sorrow. I almost sobbed at the sight.

This was all my fault. I did this to him. To us.

I was about to tell him to get away before we got caught but I was interrupted by none other than Munir's mother. The crowd immediately scattered leaving only Medina, Sam, Tobi and I and ofcourse Munir at the scene.

Even Magdalene was nowhere to be found.

She stared at the scene with an expressionless face. Not once cringing at the blood.

"Munir AbdulRahman I want you and all your friends in my office now!" Her voice bled with authority. I was absolutely terrified at this moment. We were all done for.

Munir didn't protest and crossed over Khalil's body like it was trash and walked past us out the door. His mom didn't need to tell us twice. One look and we were trailing behind him.

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