chapter fifty one

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This chapter was actually divided into two because I felt it was too long.
I'll upload the rest in the next chapter



Cradling her head close to my chest i whipped her forehead with my handkerchief which I had gotten wet with water at the tap. She had started to stir awake so I placed her on the chair so she wouldn't panic if she saw me holding her.

When her eyes opened I expected her to scream or shout and tell me to get out but instead a distant look glazed her features. It was like she had already experienced this before tonight or something. I didn't let my mind dwell on it for long and called out her name.

Like she was noticing me for the first time she looked at me. Her eyes vacant.

"Should I walk you to your hostel." She nodded without complain but didn't say anything else. I left her to her thoughts.

Grabbing her discarded jacket I handed it over to her. She immediately wrapped it around her shoulders and headed straight for the door and out of the classroom.

I walked out too but not before grabbing her novel and turning off the lights in the class.

That mother fucker khalil. I was ready to fucking kill that bastard but he ran away so fast I couldn't chase after him. Not when I knew she needed my help. If Munir hears about this he was surely going to be a dead man.

We walked in silence untill we reached her hostel gate. Just when I thought she would go in without talking to me she turned around and mumbled a thank you and gave me a smile. But it looked more like a grimace. I sighed and nodded my head. I waited till she was safely behind the gate before going my way.

Jogging back to the boys hostel the thoughts of packing my notes at the back of my mind, I hopped on my bed and sighed. My mind drifting into a million places per minute.

What if I hadn't arrived in time?

What would have happened?

Medina would have surely had my balls if something happened to her bestfriend.

Jesus.. that boy disgusted me. He was surely going to get it once I found him.

Getting down from my bed to use the bathroom I noticed something drop to the floor as I stood. It was Ella's novel. I kept it under my pillow. I'll just have to return it when I see her on Monday.

*. *. *. *. *

The weekend rolled over uneventfully. The once blue sky looked dark and gloomy on Monday morning. It was like a sign that something foreboding was going to happen. I just hoped my instincts were wrong.

After taking a well needed shower to clear my sleepy eyes I got to my corner to get dressed. Just as I finished putting on my boxer briefs my curtain was pulled back and Medina stood in front of me. We both paused not expecting the other person to be here.

"What are you doing here?." She whisper yelled getting in and closing the curtain behind her. I noticed she didn't shy away from my nakedness but kept staring instead. I knew I didn't have bad features. I worked out everyday and ate healthy so I get why her eyes kept darting to my arms and pecs as I put on my shirt. Amusement spread across my face.

"I'm supposed to be asking you that, this is my corner after all." I struggled to put my buttons my hands shaking in nervousness. Shit why was I nervous?

it's not like she's going to eat me. I mean I wouldn't mind.....

" Hey! I've been speaking to you for a minute here and you just zoned out on me. And why are you still struggling with one button since. Move your hand biko." She slapped my hand away and moved to stand close to me to fix up my button while grumbling about how I kept giving her a headache.

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