chapter forty eight

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My boyfriend is hugging another girl.....

My boyfriend is hugging another girl who i didn't even know existed.

My boyfriend is hugging another girl that isn't me.

My vision crossed as I stared dumbfounded as my boyfriend hugged another girl in front of me.
What the hell was this feeling in my chest?




No it couldn't be.....I wasn't mad....or was I?


"Ella?!" I finally broke out of my trance like state and looked to my side to see Medina giving me a weird look.

Pity I think. Why did she pity me.

"let's sit down." She dragged me away from the front of the class were our classmates kept prodding at the new girl including Munir. He didn't even glance at me once. It was as if I didn't exist. After we had settled down the teacher came in signaling break was over. I took out my notes and paid attention. My studies are my top priority at the moment.

Classes rolled by with the teachers giving us more reminders about our upcoming jamb registration and exams which were coming up february. We had already registered for waec and neco last term so that was a relief.

After classes I skipped lunch telling Medina to go ahead without me. I had a pounding headache and i needed a shower to clear my head or else I was going to breakdown into pieces.

I had a warm my shower, the jets of water easily massaging my tensed muscles. I tried not to think about it honestly I did. But it kept getting into the forefront of my mind.

Maybe I'm over thinking it. Maybe they are just friends.

Munir would never betray me like that would he?

I sighed as I got dressed for prep. I was not going to be that jealous girlfriend who overthinks every situation.

I was going to ask him later when I see him and he was going to tell me who she is to him.

Turning towards my locker I pulled out my stash of yogurt. Uncapped the bottle and took a huge gulp. My taste buds came to life and my energy felt restored, the headache long gone. Nothing beats the taste of yogurt. Well nothing except ice cream.

I grab my school bag and make sure my things are intact before leaving for class. On my way there someone taps me on my shoulder and I turn around. It none other than Munir's cousin khalil holding unto one of my novels. He smiles slightly his ear's turning red. Why is he blushing.

"You dropped this...." I take it from his hand and then I notice it's my fifty shades of grey hard copy. I smile in amusement and mumble a thank you.

We both stand there awkwardly for a while as I get lost in thought. After I had met him the first time we hadn't spoken again. I'm guessing it's because he knew I was dating he's brother and didn't want any bad blood between them. I was ready to dismiss him and be on my way untill I looked ahead and noticed Magdalene and Munir coming out from the boys hostel together the same way we did not long ago. It hurt so much and I couldn't stop the stupid tears from blurring my vision. Khalil immediately noticed what I was looking at and the expression on my face twisted and his body tensed in anger. He hissed and grabbed my wrist.

"Come on let's get out of here." He's hand on mine was incredibly soft and not calloused like Munir's. It felt weird and foreign but I didn't comment on it because I just wanted to leave.

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