chapter thirty five

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Let's just say I didn't expect our first meeting outside of school to be in front of both our families. I was finding it hard to breath and Munir's shearing gaze didn't help to calm my nerves at all.

"I'm sure you have met my son Munir he goes to your school." His mom's smooth voice spoke. I turned my gaze from his to hers.

" Yes ma, he is my classmate." I answered politely not daring a glance at my hot boyfriend. I turned my gaze sideways finding the cream Walls more interesting at this moment. This was all weird.

"Well then let's head to the dining room. The food isn't going to eat itself." My grandma announced cutting off the thickening tension in the room and saving me from the unwanted attention.
Thank goodness.

I shuffled my feet as my grandparents and Munir's mom walked in front of us leaving me behind and Munir in tow.

As everyone took seats for themselves I felt the slightest brush of fingers against my arm making me inhale an intake of breath. My cheeks felt instantly warm and if not for my colour am sure I would have been as red as a fresh tomato. I glanced sideways at Munir who looked ahead innocently no acknowledgement whatsoever to the fact that he just secretly touched me in front of our families.

Grandpa sat at the head of the table my grandma at his left, Mrs Abdulrahman took his right and Munir sat next to her leaving me no choice but to seat opposite him.
I sat tentatively eyeing the boy across from me. He watched me with no emotions on his sharp features and if not for the slightest tilt of his lips I would have said he wasn't happy to see me.

We dug in seconds after everyone was seated, mindless chatter moving between the adults about politics and whatnot. I immediately zoned out when they started talking about fuel subsidy and Buhari's rule. Munir and I would catch each other's gaze once in a while , a secret message passing between us about not wanting to be here at all.

His long legs were spread in a way that they lay carelessly on either side of mine. At a point I felt him brush my bare legs with his feet and I shivered. Throwing him a glare over the table to which he winked at. I rolled my eyes and kept eating, thankful that our parents didn't notice anything odd going on.

Minutes passed and there wasn't any noise apart from the clinking of silverware on china. We were both completely ignored by the adults. Which was a relief.

Or so I thought..

"So Isrealla your jamb examination is coming soon. What is is you would like to study." Mrs Abdulrahman asked. I froze mid chew. Everyone turned to stare at me and I noticed my grandparents were also curious. But Munir was clenching his fork so hard I thought it would snap in half. I swallowed and sipped my glass of water and cleared my throat to speak.

"I would like to study medicine. Paediatric medicine to be precise." My grandma hummed in approval, my grandfather beamed with pride at my answer and Mrs Abdulrahman nodded her head too but I could see a dozen questions swimming in her eyes.

"Oh that is a nice course. Really hard to cope without conviction and dedication but nice anyway."

" My Morenike is a smart one am sure she can cope with whatever is been thrown at her." My grandma praised making me blush in embarrassment. She was too much.

" Well at least some children don't disappoint thier families." Mrs Abdulrahman chided sweetly but I could hear the venom leaking into her words and immediately the clinking of cutlery stopped and it was so quiet I bet if a pin dropped we would hear it.

What the fuck did she mean?

I turned to face Munir who was  completely leaned back on his seat no longer touching his food. His face looked impassive as usual. He wasn't emoting at all and I was scared. I felt the need to reach over and place my hand on top of his. But instead I settled for rubbing his feet with mine under the table in a way that said 'I'm here for you'

I've known for a while now that Munir's relationship with his mother was somewhat tense but this was just the icebreaker. I've noticed their behaviors during visiting and Vacation but I never put any thoughts into my suspicions because of the fact that he literally beat up Tobi for calling her names.

Once again my Smart grandmother decided to be a lifesaver and chipped in quickly;
"Well am going to get more wine in the kitchen. Mo can you help me clean up." She said looking expectantly at me. I was about to reply when Munir cut me off.

"Let me help Mrs ogunshola, it's the least I could do after you made that delicious meal." Munir smiled that dazzling smile of his, teeth and all and I had to give him credit for putting up such a great facade. Or was he being genuine. Hell, I had no idea.

" Oh please call me grandma and thank you young man you're very kind but Morenike also helped in the kitchen. Infact she cooked the main course I just dealt with the appetizers."

" Oh well thank you Isrealla it was delicious." He said looking at me and maintaining eye contact.

Shit those eyes.

The way my name rolled from his lips was both sinful and sweet that I felt my head go dizzy for a moment, my belly felt like a fucking zoo was raging in there. I mumbled a quick thank you as the tension in the table disappeared and peaceful chatter filled the room again.

Munir and I got to work packing everything up with the help of my grandma so we didn't have to go two trips. She got more wine from one of the cabinets and gave Munir a pat on the shoulder.

"You're a very good and smart boy Munir dear. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." My grandma said smiling warmly at him. This time I knew his smile was genuine as he bowed his head and thanked my grandma. He walked towards the kitchen doors with her and I thought he was going to leave to go back to the dining hall. My eyes dropped in Disappointment  as I turned to start the dishes but I was immediately shocked when I heard the door closing with a resounding click of the key turning.
I spun around quickly as I stared at a smirking Munir. Who was staring back at me with mischievousness in his dashing honey eyes.

"Alone at last." He finally drawled after minutes of tensed silence. Or was it hours. And then he stalked towards me.

Oh no.........

Author's note

Bad Munir had come out to play then🤣🤣
Ok please vote and comment your thoughts don't be a ghost reader😌😌
And don't forget to check out my other book wild fire.. I'm sure you will enjoy it just as much.

Bye bye my lovelies

Glitter ✨

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