chapter forty

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When Munir parked in front of my house I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat. I was pressed and I needed to use the bathroom else I would wet my self. I bet that would be funny.

I hopped out briskly and walked towards him grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the gates. He chuckled but didn't protest.

"Somebody is excited to have me alone." I glared and him and scoffed.
" I want to use the bathroom you idiot." He scrunched his nose in a cute way making me laugh.

Pushing the door to my room open, I flung my bag on my bed and raced to the bathroom. I washed my hands when I was done with my business and came out. Munir was sprawled across my bed on his stomach his face stuffed into my pillows. He had ditched his hoodie leaving his black henley which stretched deliciously across his back. I smiled at the sight.

Walking over to my desk I took my past Q and A books, tossing them on the bed. Munir turned around at the sound scooting closer to me at the edge of the bed.

"Which one do you wanna do." His eyebrows furrowed in thought before he decided. "Physics."

So for the next one hour we solved the questions. I noticed that he understood more when I used flashcards and explained the formulas. He was relatively smart. He just needed help. I don't know why no one offered to guide him. But knowing Munir I'm sure he wouldn't even let anyone help him in anyway.

I was about to start on another question but he looked a little tired so I decided to close the books and call it a day then I got up to get us some ice cream.

I was pretty tired myself.

His face lit up when I brought the tub with two spoons. We both dug in no words said only the low music playing from my boombox filling the room.

The ice cream seemed to lift our moods cause now we laid side by side on my bed talking about everything and nothing. And I found out he has a thing for super hero movies especially marvel.
" Mjollnir or storm breaker." Munir asked looking at me expectantly.

"Hmmmm that's kind of hard. I would say mjollnir cause Thor has many memories with it but I think I prefer storm breaker. I have a thing for axes." He let out a laugh turning over on his side and placing his head on his palm so he looked down at me. He was achingly beautiful.

"That's true. I prefer storm breaker too." His smile was so contagious, I couldn't help smiling back. His hair which has grown longer since we vacated fell into his eyes making my hands twitch to push it back. His lips looked so pink and inviting I couldn't help but stare at them. Missing the feeling of them on mine.

Munir noticed my staring and his smile slipped away replaced with an undescribable expression, then he slowly started leaning in. Whenever we made out, i noticed he always initiated it so this time I summoned all the courage I had and pushed at his chest causing him to look at me in slight confusion as he laid back down. I slung my legs over his waist straddling him with both legs on each side.

When he registered what I was doing his hands came to rest on my lower back pushing me forward. I didn't hesitate to seal my lips over his own, parting and moving it against his fluidly. My hands moved from his shoulders to his hair gripping it slightly and earning a groan between our locked mouths in response. 

There were so many things running through my mind in that moment but most of all I noticed he was holding back. As if scared I would freak out or flee. A lazy smile graced my lips as I pulled away from him an inch. I took his lower lip into my mouth sucking and biting the flesh then releasing. Before pulling away completely. Munir looked like he wanted to protest but stopped the moment I aligned myself on top of his growing erection. He sucked in a breath, looking at me with half open lids and furrowed brows. He was still tense. He needed to let go.

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