chapter thirteen

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Mr kola had decided that since he had two periods,the first will be for teaching then the second for a spelling bee.
He even took his time to write down numbers in tiny pieces of paper and placing them in a bowl for us to queue and pick.

We all picked randomly of course, so he would just call out any number of his choice and if it was the same number on your paper you would come out and spell a word.

We were 31 in our class and so far 10 people had been called out to spell and they were doing good.

I was number 23 and he had already called 22 and 24. I felt like he was going in a circle around me, deliberately not calling my number so I would have to suffer and die of hypertension.
Because I was feeling really tensed about spelling.

If you ask me why?,then I have no answer for that.......

Maybe it's because of munir....

Shut up mind....

Seriously,was I fighting with my own mind again. Goshhh am going crazy.

I sighed,twirling a braid around my finger.
I was trying to calm myself down and touching my hair usually worked sometimes. But I guess not today.My heart was literally beating fast against my chest,I felt like I was about to combust any second if I didn't leave the class.

It was like having the urge to pee so bad,but then you knew if you went to the bathroom there would be no pee at all.And that my people is how I feel.

So the best thing to do is to think happy thoughts..Right,what makes me happy?

A rainbow colored unicorn.......

A rainbow colored unicorn with wings.......

A rainbow colored unicorn with wings,drinking from a caramel flavoured river made from eclairs....
Munir on a rainbow colored unicorn with wings drinking from a caramel flavoured---

Wait,wait,wait,hold up,hold up,hold up.....say what now.

"Pssssttttt Ella" someone was calling me.

Oh right, Medina was talking to me"Ella you're number 23". She whispered harshly. My brows furrowed in confusion at her words untill I heard the booming voice of Mr kola yelling an all to familiar number.
"Who is number 23?". My eyes widened in horror but I quickly composed myself. I rose slowly from my seat,using my side gaze to look at the rest of the students whose attention was solely on me right now.

Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn,did I really have to start thinking about Munir during a class knowing fully well the consequences of been absentminded.

"Miss Jones would you like to tell me why you zoned out in my class.. again"Mr kola asked cooly emphasizing on the last word, but he's face was anything but.  you really can't tell the difference though because his face is always that way.

Ok enough thinking concentrate.... Remember it was thinking that got you into this mess in the first place.
"No sir,I do not have any excuse". The murmuring begun again as usual. Anytime I spoke the same thing happened.
He stared at me for full five seconds before he beckoned me with his fingers to the front of the class.
I obliged and walked towards the board standing a good five feet away from him.

"Spell scacchite". He said and the murmuring got louder. I even caught a few"she no shabi" here and there. I don't know why but as my eyes scanned the class I couldn't help but look at a pair of light brown ones. Suprisingly enough he was looking back at me. Too shocked from the intensity of his gaze I looked back to our teacher and began to spell.

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