chapter eight

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The teacher. be honest he wasn't what I had expected to see.

I expected to see a short pot-bellied man in his mid forties, sporting a beard.
But this....this was even better.
Our teacher looked to be in his mid twenties with freshly shaven facial skin,which made his hard jawline more pronounced.

His dark skin was an intriguing contrast against the white button down shirt he wore,black jeans completing his look.

His white shirt which he had folded to his elbows were showing off his muscular arms with prominent veins popping out.

"Isrealla do you need my notes?" Someone spoke.

I ignored the voice and continued to stare at him. He was cleaning the white board. The muscles in his back constricting as he moved his arms to rid the board of the marker stains.

"Isrealla?" The voice spoke louder this time. Breaking my inspection.

Lord I was oggling my teacher. This is so embarrassing.

I turned towards Anna. She looked curious. I hope she didn't notice. I felt blood rush to my cheeks as the thought of her catching me popped in my head. Thank God for my dark skin which is very useful in times like this.

"Yes,you were saying?" I spoke nonchalantly. I didn't want her to think I was nervous.

She stared silently before repeating herself.
"Do you need my notes?" I nodded immediately as a yes. She hummed in response and silently turned towards her desk jerking the top open.

No wonder they looked like wooden boxes.
So this is were they keep their stuff.
I peered at the opened locker thing, watching quietly as she rummaged through it.

It was neatly arranged,surprisingly.

She had placed her texts books on one side starting from the biggest to the smallest. And her notebooks on the other side were in the same order.

"Take this. They are my maths,English,and physics notes,my chemistry and biology notes are not available right now so you will have to borrow them from another person". I hummed a quiet thank you, retrieving them from her grasp and shoving them in my bag. I would copy them later today. I'm a pretty fast writer so notes wont be a problem for me.

"Ok class,settle down please". A deep voice spoke. I directed my gaze to the owner of the vibrating vocal.

It was our teacher and  He had his own books scattered on the desk in front of the class and was leaning against them. His hands on either sides of the desks.

English language was half hazardly scrawled against the top part of the board.

So he was an English teacher. That's a very interesting discovery.


" We will begin with prefixes and suffices" he said going back to scribble something on the board.

Urgghhh.....not to brag or anything but am pretty sure that am way past their class syllabus so this class is just like repeating junior year all over.

I was tired and sleepy. My eyes were slowly dropping the more he talked.
It was like he's voice was a lullaby lulling me to sleep.

I turned my tired gaze towards Anna and noticed she was wide awake and listening attentively.

I huffed out a breath and took out my scrap book and my pen.
I rested my chin on my left hand as I got to work on a blank sheet of paper. Tilting my head slightly to get a better angle.

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