chapter fifty five

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I stood underneath the burning water of the shower for what felt like ages but it was only minutes. My body felt heavy and there was an unbearable pounding at the back of my head.

Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

I wanted to hear her laugh. I wanted to hear her scream at me for being an asshole and then blush when I teased her. I wanted to see her smile. I wanted to kiss her lips and tell her I loved her but it was all too late.

She was long gone.

It has been three months since Ella went back abroad. Graduation and prom were going to be completely useless without her so I didn't bother to attend choosing to stay home all day and wallow in my sorrow. My mom who had started to be around more often had tried to get me to go and at least have fun with my friends but I didn't want too. I knew she was kind of scared that I was going to have a mental break down but I didn't care.

I just wanted her. Only her.

When she had left that day it was like she had taken my heart with her. We had promised not to say goodbye, because we would see each other again and she said she would explain everything to me because I honestly had a lot I wanted to ask her.

She had then promised to call and text me everyday until she was back. But she didn't keep her promise. Her line was unreachable and her social media accounts were all deleted.

It was like she had disappeared off the face of the earth.

When Sam had called me yesterday to check the news I almost screamed at him to leave me the fuck alone until he said 'she's there' I hung up and went in search of my remote that I never used.

I don't think I've ever turned on the TV in my room but that day I did.

And there she was like she had never left. She looked so pretty with her hair braided and in a white summer dress. I wanted so badly to see her smile but her face was permanently etched into a frown. And then i noticed the reason.

She was literally swarmed by the press asking stupid questions upon questions.

I read the headline and felt my knees go weak in panic.

'Daughter of successful lawyer Mr and Mrs Jones rape case reopened'


She had being raped......

Oh God it all made sense now. I didn't even want to think about what she had been through. This was the reason why she moved back to Nigeria. Why she never wanted to talk about her time back there. All this time she was just as broken as I was and I didn't even realize it.

Fuck I wished I was there to protect her from it all. I wish I could comfort her and tell her it would all be okay. That I would be there for her.

Her being all over the news is sick if you ask me. It's pure torture trying to keep something as painful as this to yourself and now everyone would know what she had been through and cook up their own lies just for their sick entertainment.

Why did her parents let this happen for God's sake.

I didn't dwell on that for too long.

I had a mission which was to go to her grandparents house and find out what was happening and why she wasn't reachable anymore.

I had to know or else I wouldn't be able to forgive myself ever.

But on reaching the house a for sale sign mocked me, adding to my misery and pain.

She was gone and I was never seeing her again.

Author's note

Yeah you guys can buy a gun and shoot me later😂😁

Ok bye😴😴😴

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