Lovers Embrace

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Working with the BAU was exhausting, Spencer all too often returned home looking like a shell of a man. Heavy bags hung like deadweights under his eyes, his caramel curls draping lifelessly across his head.

The days when he would return home, scared, tired and desperate for reassurance were y/n's time to shine. And today was one of those days.

Y/n sat in a peaceful silence, the only sounds filling the air was that of the pages in her book as she passed from one to the other. Her serenity was broken by the quiet jingling on keys from behind the door, y/n's heart broke when she saw Spencer drag his aching limbs through the hallway and into the living room where she sat.

Deep shades of purple painted his face, his gorgeous eyes missing their usual spark. A tired frown plastered across his slightly chapped lips.

No words were spoken as y/n slowly reached out to embrace the boy, he practically melted at her touch. She ran her fingers slowly through his tangled locks, quiet hums of appreciation left his mouth as y/n gently massaged his scalp as he lay lifelessly upon her.

The two sat there for little over an hour, the only noise being the airy snores that slipped through Spencer's nose. Y/n chuckled slightly to herself at his sleeping figure. His mouth slightly parted, eyebrows furrowed, his long eyelashes fluttering every so often. She glanced over at the small clock that sat upon the dark wooden side table, y/n groaned slightly when she noticed the late hour, knowing she would have to wake the peacefully sleeping man on top of her.

"Hey bub, come on let's get you showered" she spoke softly as she gave him a slight nudge, Spencer let out an exasperated sigh and nuzzled his head further into her chest, his freckle dotted nose scrunching into the soft fabric of her shirt.

Y/n could have sworn she died when Spencer slowly rubbed his eyes, a childish pout across his sleep ridden face. Instead of looking at the adorable boy and most likely finding herself on the couch the rest of the night, she carefully stood up, intertwining her fingers with his and walking with him towards the bathroom.

Spencer stood there, eyes still closed as y/n began to run the water for the shower. She giggled lightly as she unbuttoned his shirt and rid him off his now wrinkled clothes. He watched her through lidded eyes, a loving smile crossing his rose petal lips.

The two allowed the water to run heavily down their bodies, y/n rubbing a sweet smelling soap across the canvas of Spencer's back, pleased sounds involuntary coming through his slightly parted mouth. Each time one would grace y/n's ears she would let out a small laugh and peck his shoulder lightly before continuing her scrubbing.

Once y/n had finished she led a still half asleep Spencer through to the bedroom where she had left a pair of pyjamas neatly folded near the foot of the bed. She returned back into the bathroom and left him to dress himself, she washed her face quickly and brushed her teeth, the promise of sleep creeping upon her as her eyes began to close.

Her heart swelled when she saw the sight of Spencer lying in the bed, his previously neat and freshly washed hair once again tussled and lying recklessly across the pillow. His eyes were closed tight but his arms were outstretched, beckoning for y/n to join him as he scrunched his hands up childishly, a sleepy grin on his face. The glum look no longer plaguing his beautiful features, delicate shades of crimson were painted across his pale cheeks as he happily embraced y/n.

He squeezed her tight to his body, shoving his nose into her h/c hair. Soft breaths blew the loose strands around her head as he absentmindedly rubbed circles into her shoulder, his leg laced effortlessly around hers, leaving them completely intertwined.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Y/n spoke gently as she traced random shapes across his chest. She knew he would tell her when he felt comfortable, for sometimes it became all too much only just after the case was settled.

"In the morning" he spoke in the groggy voice that brought butterflies to y/n's stomach, she nodded gently and continued with her drawing, the sound of his heart beat slowly lulling her closer and closer to sleep.

"I love you, so much" Spencer said, his voice slightly hoarse and muffled, the vibration from his words ricocheted through his chest and simultaneously through y/n's relaxed body.

"I love you too" she spoke, placing a gentle kiss on his lips before returning to her spot. Once again they both began to drift off, quickly embracing the release of sleep huddled within one another.

It was on nights like these that Spencer knew, truly became aware of how much he truly adored y/n. He knew that one day he would marry her, spending each night in his lovers arms.

Here's a lil short oneshot! I'm sorry for not updating in so long I've just been so occupied with finishing my Luna story (which you should read if you haven't) and making a start to the new ones.

If you have any ideas for a oneshot feel free to DM me as any requests would be greatly appreciated!

Don't forget to vote & comment

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night ~ Mae xoxo

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