Wish You Were Sober

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I sat on my bed on the verge of tears, I had no reason to be crying I just couldn't decide what to wear to Morgans party later that evening. I eventually messaged JJ asking for advice on what to wear and she simply just invited me to Garcia's house where they were getting ready as a group. I took down the dresses from my wardrobe and a couple of pairs of shoes and headed out the door. Normally I wouldn't care what people thought of me but today was different, the BAU had finally convinced Spencer to join us at the party and I wanted to impress him. I hated the idea of dressing up for a guy especially Spencer since he was a huge feminist and always told everyone they were perfect yet I couldn't help but want to look good. 

A few minutes later and I pulled into Garcia's street, I was immediately greeted by Garcia and JJ running towards me, arms open and hair being thrashed around by the wind. Garcia pulled me into an almost bone crushing hug and grabbed JJ's arm wanting her to join. Emily walked out and just shook her head, she looked gorgeous as always and her red dress looked amazing on her, when I first started the BAU I couldn't help but have a small crush on literally every member (except Rossi since he was like a father to me) who wouldn't though! they were all gorgeous and the best people I had ever met and I loved them all, but there was one I loved the most and that was of course Dr Spencer Reid. 

"Hey Em!" I forced out, my face turning pink from the lack of oxygen

"Hey, come on guys let her go" she laughed before turning on her heels and heading back into the house.

"oops. sorry (Y/N) come on lets go get dolled up" Garcia giggled playfully before linking our arms and skipping through the door. Garcia's house was exactly how i had imagined it, it was if someone took a rainbow and just threw it all over the walls, it matched her personality perfectly though.


"oh my god you both look great now can we please go?" JJ groaned, her and Emily had been ready for well over an hour and were being driven insane by Garcia and I changing our minds every thirty seconds.

"Fine okay lets go" I said, chugging what was left in my glass of wine. If i was gonna tell Spencer how I was feeling I needed to be even the tiniest bit tipsy. Garcia grabbed her bag from the couch and her keys from the bunker. We all piled into Garcia's bright yellow volkswagen beetle and immediately began blasting the radio, we laughed and sang all the way to Morgan's house which was more like a palace than a house. We were greeted by Morgan and Spencer laughing harder than I had ever seen them laugh and I could tell straight away that Reid was far from sober.

"Oh My God (Y/N)! heyyyyyyyyyy" Reid slurred slightly and began hiccuping, a huge grin was plastered across his face from the moment I stepped out.

"Hey gorgeous" I couldn't help but smile at the blush that appeared on Spencers face at my comment, I winked at him and began walking towards the house. The girls mouths were wide open at how forward I had been with Spencer, Reid nudged my shoulder and brushed his hand against mine causing my heart rate to speed up to an alarming pace and an unfamiliar feeling to rush through my body. Yep. I was madly in love with Reid. It almost hurt seeing him flirt back when he was this drunk, all I had wanted for the past 4 years was for him to like me back and the only time he gives me reason to believe the feelings aren't one sided of course he is completely hammered.


"Hey Spence" I whispered in his ear

"What is it" He half whispered back, I assumed he had tried to whisper but he was off his face drunk and probably couldn't tell just how loud he was being.

𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒅 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now