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Btw JJ isn't married in this story just for the sake of the plot!
Reid starts acting weirdly distant and nervous, Y/N thinks he's cheating on her but turns out it's something else.

Your POV

Spencer and I had been dating for four years and I was not ashamed to admit I was embarrassingly in love with him. Normally things were perfect but over the past few weeks, he had been acting strangely distant and closed off. I had my theories but I didn't want to except any of them, the one theory that I just couldn't seem to get past was the one thing I had dreaded since Spencer and I first got together. And that, of course, was that JJ finally returned the feelings towards Reid. Almost straight after I began working at the BAU I found out that Reid used to have a crush on JJ due to Morgans incessant teasing over it.

I currently sat at my desk, forcing my way through the mountains of paperwork that piled high all across the wooden surface. I turned my head to see what my coworkers were up to and of course, JJ sat with Spencer, the two were talking and it was obvious he was blushing. Hard. I cleared my throat before quickly swiping my bag off the floor and heading towards the elevator, It may have seemed a tad bit dramatic but I couldn't stand another second watching the two joke around as if they were in love. I decided I needed to confront Spencer about it as it was eating me alive, the idea of him no longer being in love with me, I wouldn't blame him for being in love with JJ. She was absolutely gorgeous, perfect hair, incredibly smart and the nicest person to ever walk the earth. I wasn't afraid to admit I did have a moderate crush on JJ when I first started but when I met Spencer properly all feeling turned more platonic instead of romantic.

I sent Reid a quick text basically just saying that we needed to talk before quickly dialling Penelope's number, Spencer and I shared an apartment and I couldn't bring myself to go there just yet. The phone ringed for mere seconds before a cheerful voice picked up, almost immediately brightening my mood.

"Hey (Y/N/N), what's up?"

"h-hey Pen, c-can I come over" I choked out, the tears had begun to sting at the corners of my eyes and moments later were pouring down my face, leaving trails of mascara and eyeliner as they fell.

"oh my god (Y/N) are you okay? yes yes come over I'll get the kettle on!" her cheery tone vanished in seconds and was replaced by one of worry and dread, I chuckled slightly and sniffled. The doors slowly opened and I sniffled as I dashed towards my car, normally I would blast my music and sing along but today was just not one of those days. I loved Spencer more than anyone could comprehend and now he was in love with someone new. Maybe he never loved me? Maybe he loved her the whole time?

I pulled into her street and before I could even get out the car I was met with Penelopes signature bone-crushing hug and an array of heartwarming and reassuring words. I couldn't help but smile at her immediate love and reassurance.
"What's wrong darling" she said
"I-I think Reids cheating on me" I managed to stutter out before sobbing into her shoulder, she began rubbing circles in my back in an attempt to calm me down but it wasn't working.
"What makes you think that?" She started walking me towards her door but stopped when she heard my phone ping. I looked down to see that Spencer had texted me saying to meet at the park where our first date was. Is he gonna dump me? wait. If he was gonna dump me why take me to where our first date was? My head was spinning and my hands were shaking slightly.
"He wants t-to meet. I'm sorry Pen I gotta go" I said, I couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving so quickly but all doubts were thrown out the window when she gave me another, still as tight, hug.
I pulled up to the park, I tried to fix my hair and makeup using the mirror in my car but it was no use, I just didn't want to seem like he had hurt me as much as he did.
When I stepped out the car I couldn't help but feel butterflies when I approached where Reid was standing. He wasn't dressed up or anything yet I still couldn't help but think he was the most gorgeous man alive, why did it have to end?
"Spence" I whispered out, gently tapping him on the shoulder to gain his attention. My breath hitched in my throat as I looked around and saw the setup. There was candles and roses scattered around the small gazebo, a table for two was set up and a bottle of expensive looking wine was sat in the middle of the silk placemat.
"Y/N you're here!" He sounded giddy but I could tell he was nervous by the way his voice was an octave higher than usual.
"what's going on with you. why are you being so weird. are you cheating on me. is it JJ?" I blurted out, trying to be strong and get the questions out as quickly as possible, Spencer's smile faltered as he grabbed my forearms gently and began rubbing his thumb up and down.
"I'm about to tell you. I'm sorry for being weird. No I'm not cheating on you. And JJ is like a sister to me" he replied just as fast, it seemed as if tears were welling up in his eyes.
"Then why are you being so distant?" I questioned,
"Well I was planning on doing this later but here goes" he took a step back and cleared his throat, It seemed as if all the air in my lungs disappeared as he went down onto one knee.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, the reason I've been so distant is because I was nervous I'd mess something up that would make you say no." His smile returned when I let out a small laugh and my cheeks turned scarlet.
"Here goes, Y/N I love you so much, I can't even begin to comprehend or explain how perfect you are to me. I-I know I'm a literal genius but you are the only person who makes me stumble over my words and my brain turn to mush-" I started giggling, I had never heard Spencer sound so nervous or stumble as much as he was now. "As I was saying I hope to god you can forgive me for being so ridiculous and acting all weird but would you do me the honours of becoming my wife?" He flashed a crooked smile and stood up as the tears started to sting in the corners of my eyes, to him it may have seemed as if I was upset and was going to say no but I had made my mind up the second he got down on his knee.
"yes spence. yes yes yes" I giggled as he lifted me up and spun me around once or twice, our lips connected for a quick kiss, it was short but it held every emotion we had ever felt for each other. We pulled apart when we heard an array of claps and cheers coming from behind us, he spun me around, an arm protectively around my waist. We were met by a large group of people dotted around the park, each and everyone of them were smiling and clapping at what they had just saw, my smile grew to an impossible size when I saw Morgan, Garcia and Emily cheering almost right next to us.
"How did I not see them?" I joked as Spencer turned to look my right in the eyes, his face was plastered with a huge grin and his eyes were filled with pure joy.
"How the hell did they know where I was gonna be" he looks at them and waves slightly, laughing at their excitement. "I'll be two seconds" I kissed him quickly once again before heading towards the group,
"Please tell me you didn't know about this" I said to Garcia, I wouldn't care if she did but I'd be much happier if she was unaware of Spencer's plans.
"I honestly just found out, I saw Morgan walking down the street and he filled me in. CONGRATS BY THE WAY!" she almost screamed the last part, I covered my ears dramatically and looked over at Derek.
"You Agent Morgan are in trouble" I jokingly squinted my eyes as his face dropped before returning to its usual smirk.
"Agent Morgan? I really am screwed" his face kept switching between guilt and it's usual cocky expression.
Reid tiptoed up behind me and snaked his arm around my waist, I jumped slightly but leaned into his grip as I felt his ridiculous mop of curly brown hair tickled the back of my neck. I spun around and was met with a smirk,
"What do you say we get out of here" he whispered into my ear causing shivers to run down my spine.
"Only if you stop making me sound like some girl at a bar and more like your girlfriend"
"Fiancée" he corrected as he grabbed my hand and inspected the ring for a moment before yanking me towards his car.
"Go get some pretty boy!" Morgan yelled causing Reid to flip him off as we climbed into the car.
This was not how I expected today to end.
Word count: 1652 words
Hope this was okay! Not my best but trust me I will be writing more and putting more effort into them soon since I'm on school break for two weeks!
Thought I'd give you a happy one since a majority are kinda sad!!!
If you have any requests or ideas please send me them and I'll do my best to write them,
Don't forget to vote & comment.
Good morning/afternoon/night ~ Mae xoxo

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