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Y/n exhaled deeply as she stood outside the grand glass doors to the BAU, her hands were trembling with nerves as she pushed the door open softly. She nervously adjusted the leather strap of her messenger bag and twirled the small tardis necklace that hung from her neck between her fingers. She truly was ecstatic to start at her job but a small part of her was desperate to run home and watch Doctor Who or reread all the books she owned, anything would be better than embarrassing herself infront of her sister Emily's work family.

Y/n had an IQ of 190, an eidetic memory and could read almost 25,000 words a minute, so calling her a genius would be a slight understatement. Her sister Emily was always comparing her to the 'boy genius' that worked alongside her and now y/n was finally going to get to meet the man Emily deemed to be her soulmate.

Almost as if she had read y/n's mind, Emily dashed out of what appeared to be the briefing room, her ebony hair spun rapidly across her slim shoulders as she swerved between her coworkers towards the y/h/c haired girl. Emily nearly knocked her twin sister to the ground when she excitedly embraced her, acting as if she hadn't seen y/n only the day before. Y/n chuckled and hugged her sister back but pulled away when she saw her best friends of all time as she called it, Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan.

"Princess!" Derek cheered as her hugged her, she hit him gently on the back of the head to which he released another raucous laugh.

"Don't call me that" she growled with a cheery smile on her face. Garcia grabbed y/n's hand and began to lead her to where the rest of the team sat, explaining that they had a case so would be leaving in little over an hour. Thankfully y/n didn't have to be introduced to anyone other than Spencer since they had previously met at a party.

Y/n stepped into the briefing room, failing to notice the way Spencer's jaw practically hit the floor. Instead she was focused on a squealing JJ.

"Jay!" Y/n called, still unaware of Spencer's immediate adoration for the girl, to say he found he found her gorgeous would be an underestimation, to him she was perfect, angelic, almost ethereal.

"Princess" she replied, y/n rolled her eyes and shook her head at the nickname, Derek had found an old picture of y/n from her childhood in which she was dressed as Snow White and since then everyone had teased her by calling her Princess. The two pulled apart from their hug and y/n quickly turned to face Spencer, his breath audibly hitched in his throat when he finally got to see her face properly, he could have sworn he fell in love when he spotted the tardis pendant that hung around her neck.

"I would tell you my name but I take it you already know" y/n grinned as she stuck her hand out, destining herself for embarrassment as she had completely forgotten about Spencer's 'no handshake rule'. The entire team gasped when Spencer quite happily returned the handshake and that y/n was the one to pull away.

"I think pretty boy just fell in love" Morgan said cheekily to Emily, receiving a harsh thump on the back of his head for the second time today, the team all forced themselves not to laugh at the way Spencer was openly gaping at his fellow genius.


The team sat in the jet, having finished the case in record time with their new member. Spencer and y/n sat in a corner by themselves, seemingly in a heated debate over who the better doctor was. The two had clicked immediately, so well that Hotch had to split them up whilst working the case since they couldn't stop finding things in common with one another.

"Bets on how long until they're married" Morgan spoke up, JJ and Emily burst out laughing and a smile appeared across Hotch's face for the first time in weeks. In an odd unison everyone turned to see the pair giggling as they through small snacks at one another, it warmed all their hearts to see their doctor so happy, none of them failing to notice the deep blush that painted across both of the genius' faces whenever their hands would brush.

"Ten dollars they're together by the end of the year" Rossi spoke earning a grin from everyone.

"twenty dollars they're married by this time next year" Hotch said, Emily choked on her coffee and began spluttering all across the table, loud laughs burst through her coughs as her breathing finally returned.

Let's just say Hotch was £20 richer just over ten months later.

Hi! I hate it but oh well. Hope you all had a great Xmas!!!

Go check out my new Luna, Remus and Draco stories!

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Good morning/afternoon/night ~ Mae xoxo

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