Pumpkin Patch

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Reid had always been obsessed with Halloween, everything about the holiday made him start acting like a child and you always had to calm him down when he went on rants about how Halloween was the best thing to ever be created. I, on the other hand, couldn't stand the holiday. The way kids would dress up and expect sweets or money or when people would egg your house if you didn't spend half your salary on sweets that just rot their teeth and insides. The only thing that made it bearable was seeing how excited Spencer got even weeks before it, he would have his costume planned months before Halloween and his house was always dressed head to toe in decorations. This Halloween I planned on watching movies and wallowing in my own self-pity. 

The cause of this self-pity was the Spencer Reid, we got on well and within the past few months I found myself falling hard for him but I knew he didn't like me back so I just sucked it up and acted as professional around him as possible, which was difficult since he and I got on great and he was always made me laugh which was one of the reasons I found myself pining over him day and night. 

I currently sat at my desk forcing myself to stay awake while doing paperwork, Spencer slowly walked over to me and sat on the edge of my desk swinging his legs and grinning like a child.

"heyyyyyy" Spencer said playfully

"what do you want Spence" I said matching his tone, I eventually looked up from my paperwork to see him still smiling, I could see the gears in his head spinning so I knew he was about to ask me to do something I probably wouldn't want to do.

"okay so. Do you wanna go come with me to pick pumpkins? and before you say no and that you hate Halloween I wanna help show you how awesome it is!" He said, springing up from my desk mid sentence to start jumping up and down ever so slightly.

"aw i dont know Spence, I can't stand the holiday" I said looking up to see that he was about to flash his puppy dog eyes that i couldn't say no to.

"pretty pleaseeeeeee" and almost on cue he showed me his eyes and i had already made up my mind.

"fine, when are we going?" I said chuckling and turning back to my mountains of paper work

"right now" He threw my pen across the room and grabbed my hand, yanking me up from my chair. I groaned but it didn't stop him from beginning to make way to the elevator.

"Spence I've got loads of paperwork to finish" I tried to pull back and return to my seat but his grip around my wrist was firm but not so hard that it hurt. 

"now." his voice deepened slightly causing my stomach to start doing somersaults and my cheeks to turn bright pink.


We pulled up to the patch and Reid could barely contain his excitement, seconds after the car stopped he hopped out and grabbed something from the backseat,

"woah slow down" I joked, taking my seat belt off especially slow just to watch Reid jump in excitement through the rear view mirror.

"sorry i just love Halloween" He grinned even wider than seemed physically possible, 

"oh god what are they" I giggled while pointing at the two hats that Reid was carrying, He smiled before jumping in front of me and placing the witches hat on my head, being this close made both our cheeks turn pink and Me to turn around before I said anything I knew I would regret.

He cleared his throat before putting on little devil horns and starting to walk towards the fields of pumpkins,

"Thats not fair! You get the cute one!" I yelled while starting to run to catch up with him, he was a lot taller than me so one step for him was nearly three for me. My comment caused him to stop dead in his tracks and seconds later was crashing into his chest without even realising until we were both on the floor. 

"You think I'm cute?" he giggled, still not moving from his spot on the grass. His cheeks were a deep crimson but he was trying to play it cool.

"maybe" I pecked him on the nose before springing up and walking to the small coffee stall, I tried to seem confident but I couldn't believe what I had just told Reid, I didn't turn back to see if he was following me but if I had I would have seen Spencer smiling to himself and hovering his fingers over where I had just kissed him.


A little while later we were sitting on a white picnic bench surrounded by pumpkin carving tools, Reid and I decided to have a contest to see who could carve the best pumpkin and I had a plan on how to tell Reid just how I felt about him. He was sitting there smiling like mad as he stared at his pumpkin, I loved seeing Reid so excited about something other than work, seeing him do something other than amaze me with his never ending facts and knowledge. Instead he was amazing me with how big of a child he was at heart and how happy the smallest things made him.

"Ready?" I said squinting my eyes playfully at Spencer, my finger was hovering over the button that would begin the timer for our competition.

"I'm ready to beat you" He smirked before beginning his carving well before I got to start the clock

"cheater!" I kicked him under the table, my eyes still glued to my pumpkin. Reid just laughed and kicked me back, his tongue was poking out the corner of his mouth slightly as he concentrated. I tried to focus on what I was doing but I was kept getting distracted by Reid when he would giggle or kick me again, I tried not to stare at him after finishing my drawing but it was hard, the way his hair kept falling in front of him made me laugh, the way he scrunched his nose up when he got something wrong and everything he did confirmed that I was madly in love with Spencer. My thoughts were disturbed by the alarm ringing causing us both to jump slightly,

"reveal in 3...2...1..." he said smiling confidently at his work. We both simultaneously turned our pumpkins and gasped at the exact same time.

"Be my boo? <3" was scribbled across his, I smiled at the small ghost he drew next to it and tears began to well up in my eyes. I looked up to see spencers face almost exactly like mine, tears threatening to pour at any moment and the happiest grin I had ever seen. 

You're hella cute was what I decided to write on mine, I had carved little devil horns on the front causing Reid to chuckle. Reid suddenly stood up causing my heart to sink to the floor but I was reassured when he reached out his hand to which I complied and he pulled me up from my side of the bench.

"You're cute too" he grinned once again before starting to lean in closer, I quickly closed the gap almost immediately sending sparks through my whole body and making my knees go weak. We both pulled apart when we heard little kids laughing next to us,

"I forgot there was other people here" He laughed before lacing our fingers together.

I don't like this one but I wanted to do a happier one since the last one was pretty sad and I'm in the middle of writing Spencers side of the story but it may take a little while since I'm also writing a Sterek one rn and I'm going to England on Thursday so idk how much I'll get done then.

hope you liked this anyways! good morning/afternoon/night - Mae :) xx

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