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An elegant raven pen sat between Spencer's lightly trembling fingertips, shallow and shaky exhales fleeing him as he watched precious crystal tears mark the paper in front of him.

His curls fell ruggedly against the scarlet stained porcelain of his skin, the tendrils deepened in their colour by the warm glow emitted by the candle light beside him. The comforting smell of cinnamon washed over his senses as the wax melted, he allowed himself a moment to close his eyes, truly feel each and every part of his body, and for what felt like the first time in months, properly breathe.

The candle had always been y/n's favourite, he could still remember coming home from work, delightful aromas of coffee and fresh baked biscuits flooding the air. The same cinnamon candle sat upon the dark wooden coffee table, it's flame forever burning.

The day he came home and saw the melted wax spilled across the ground, no delicate spark burning away he knew something was wrong. He could remember the feeling in his chest as he opened the door to their room, the sheets no longer neat and pristine instead they were drenched in vile vermillion, tears and scrapes lining the fabric. And in the centre of it all, lay y/n.

Her e/c eyes that once brought shame to the sun with their unparalleled beauty, so infinite in their ethereality. The once bright inferno that blazed from within now extinguished, reduced to nothing but ash as she lay sprawled across the stark white sheets.

Spencer shook his head, unaware of how heavy his breathing had became. His hands shook eagerly as he brought the tip of the pen to the paper.

For months, every day, he had written y/n a letter. Talking about his day, how much he missed her, anything that came to his beautiful mind.

But today felt different, he finally felt calm. Like the unbearable weights that weighed down on his lungs had slowly begun to lift, his senses no longer dulled and darkened by the ghosts that loomed over him.

He wasn't sure what to say in this letter, all he knew was that it would be his last for a while.

So as the ebony ink spread across the coffee brown paper, he allowed himself to well and truly say goodbye.

Dear y/n,

I never knew I could love someone as much as I do you, everything I do, or see reminds me of you. And for a while, being reminded of you brought me nothing but pain, but now every time I see these things they calm me. Because I know that even though you're gone, you never truly left. That eventually, we'll see each other again.

Even though I've lost you for just now, I know that you can never truly leave. Because that's what loving someone means, by loving someone as eternally as I love you there is no way we could ever truly be parted, for I may have lost a part of my soul when you died but a piece of yours still lives alongside me.

I will love you forever, that is a promise I swear to keep.

Goodbye My Love,

Spencer Reid.

𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒅 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now