Teachers Pet (SMUT)

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Hey! So before I start I just wanna say that this is my first time ever writing smut and I'm still not used to it so if it's extremely bad or kinda vague please don't be upset! I promise there is more smut coming and it should hopefully improve as I get used to writing things like this, anyways hope you enjoy <3

The moment she stepped into the room; she knew something was different. She could feel his gaze from the second her shoes touched the harsh carpet, a piercing, scrutinizing glare that left her nerves aflame and mind fuzzy. Y/n could feel his eyes following her as she moved to sit down, how he scanned her each and every move as she crossed her legs and took of her coat. She reveled in his gaze, the ghost of his touch haunting her as she finally locked eyes with him.

Wild amber eyes bore into hers, an animalistic gleam amidst the shimmering golden depths. His hair was rugged and curled, rich umber strands that fell in front of his stubbled porcelain skin. His rose petal lips were torn and shining from his incessant biting, the sugar sweet pillows turning up into a smirk as he looked her up and down, admiring how her clothes clung and eyelashes fluttered. Y/n could feel a flame ignite inside her, small tendrils that had begun to flicker and burn, soon becoming an untamable inferno. She withheld his gaze as she sat down, crossing her legs and biting her pen subtly as she watched him slowly lick his lip before pulling it through his teeth.

As she watched him, those delicious lips shining in the lights of the hall. Their forbidden touch replaying in her head, the graze of his teeth against her throat, the airy gasps that slipped through her lips as he bit and kissed the supple skin with a ferocity she had never before seen. She could still feel his callused hands as they grasped at her hips, the silken fabric of his shirt cooling her flaming nerves as they were flooded with so many sensations. Y/n shook her head, pulling herself from her trance as she looked back up at her professor, his face was adorned with a proud smirk, as if he knew just what she was thinking about in that twisted little mind of hers.

His honey eyes seemed almost onyx as his lust blown pupils remained on her, his features dark and intimidating as he watched the girl squirm beneath his gaze. Oh, how he loved to watch her shift and turn under his stare, watch as she grew flustered from his dangerous looks and nothing more than the memory of his touch.

The class was full by now, ditzy girls practically drooling at the sight before them. Spencer knew their admiration made y/n jealous, he could see the envy practically dripping from her fingertips as she gripped her pen and diverted her gaze to the floor. That was another thing he loved, to know he had her wrapped around his taunting little finger, one that could bring so much pain but even more pleasure.

Halfway through the class, when he knew both y/n and all the other girls were watching, he slowly removed his tie and blazer. Rolling up the purple silk sleeves of his shirt and exposing his slender arms, his veins and muscles flexed as he continued teaching, loving how the whispers and less than subtle shudders sounded from around the room. The cocky bastard knew just how badly they all wanted him, how he plagued their dreams, left them aching for him without ever having felt his touch. Y/n was the only one he had ever given into, something about that innocent look in her eye made him ache to simply ruin her.

But the claw marks down his back and bruises on his neck proved to him she was nothing but innocent. That behind that soft, angelic look there was a sinful temptress that was far too irresistible for her own good. He found himself craving her stare amidst everyone else's, only caring if she was watching. He did it all for her, the subtle teasing, the heavy groans, all to watch her grow riled up, to see her shift in her seat and trembling exhales to flee her petal soft lips.

By the time the class was over, all y/n wished to do was tear the clothes off his back, release the pent-up jealousy and claim him as her own. But she had heard the other girls plans, watched as they hiked their skirts up and unbuttoned their shirts ever so slightly, how they painted their faces with makeup and plastered on a sweet façade that would hopefully draw their professor in. The rage and desire that had once bubbled up inside her had transformed into a deep sadness, the realization that he wasn't hers to claim. That he could sleep with whoever he pleased and there was nothing she could do about it.

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