Pathetic - Part Three

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TW// sadism, degrading, choking, praise, slight non consensual (this is the only chapter that will include something as dark as this. i understand that some have a c/nc kink and that is totally okay as long as both are completely consenting adults but in this chapter that is not the case. if you struggle with this topic and would still like to know what occurs in the plot just DM me and I'll give you a recap so you don't have to read!) also some may think this isn't like Spencer at all but in this storyline it's more dark!spencer instead of the sweet lil baby we all adore. Anyways! enjoy <33

Time didn't seem to pass in the wonderland Spencer had trapped her in. Each dizzying moment she remained the more delirious she became, clouds of smoke forever intertwining with her desperate breaths.

Moments of temporary sanity, of realization, of comprehension of how truly pathetic she seemed. How she was only a moment away from the axe dropping, the words off with her head on the tip of his very tongue. But the venom that poured from his tongue like the gentle pour of the teapot was more delectable than any tantalizing treat offered to her.

'Drink me' could be plastered upon any of the finest delicacies in the world, glasses of liquid gold and vials of love potions, promises of everlasting affection dancing amidst the smoke they emit. Yet every time, y/n would choose the bittersweet poison that dripped languidly down her throat when she was with him. Why have tender caresses and loving kisses when she could have his airy moans, his violent devotion and phantasmal groping.

Each night alternated between heartbreaking sobs and blissful ignorance, scattered tissues and scattered kisses.

Tears of agony, heartache so deep, such an unbearable pain as her heart tethered itself to him. As her very life and soul were torn, twisted in brutal contortions and stuck to his very being. Each smile pulling at her heartstrings, each touch stealing her breath, turning each comprehensive thought into putty in his very hands. Moldable between his slender fingers, shaping a perfect ideal, planting it in her mind so that she can remain his lovesick little doll.

Y/n's body ached, the constant switch between pleasure and pain becoming unbearable. Each time she went to confront Spencer about her bleeding heart and broken mind, she would leave ragged, abused, and craving him more than she thought possible. With every touch he used to satisfy her needs he increased them tenfold. Every kiss was too subtle, every touch too airy, every moan of her name was too like another's.

But that never stopped her from returning to the cruel charade of a haven she had built in his arms. From swapping his apathy with empathy, his brutality and bloodlust for worship, ardency.

And that was what led her to his door, rain pouring like Alice's tears, threatening to drown y/n as she stood trembling in the cold. Her hands shook by her sides, the delirium becoming too prominent in her mind, her breath too short, thoughts ravaging her mind in painful whirlwinds.

So, she resorted to her deceptive solace, the idea of love and comfort nothing but a mirage to her desperate mind. Like a malnourished body, creeping through the desert, limbs stumbling as a beautiful fantasy glimmered only one more step away, always just out of reach.

That's what Spencer seemed to be, an ideal, a dream, the thing her body craved like nothing else in the world. Yet the vision of a caring man, arms open and smile wide, begging to shower her in kisses and devote his heart to her very existence was nothing more than a hallucination. One so deceptive, so convincing that each time she showed up at his door she expected something other than brutality and devastating fervor. But never once did she fight back against his clawing, greedy hands, she willed herself to suffer his lust and gluttony just to feel the rush in her veins as he pulsed within her.

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